Dynamic Disc Veterans for Vets @ Indian Oaks

Sunday, November 13, 2022 at Indian Oaks in Marengo, Illinois
Disc golf singles tournament

Dynamic Disc Veterans for Vets @ Indian Oaks graphic


Tournament DirectorAntonio DiazDeleon
Tournament DirectorDanielle Broege

About this tournament

Following in the footsteps of the Trilogy Challenge, Veterans for Vets is a new event designed to meet three goals. First, it gives disc golfers a chance to play in an organized event during the winter months. Second, it provides an awesome environment for a disc golfer without any tournament experience to play in an organized event. Finally, it provides an opportunity for a local disc golf community to raise money that gets returned to that same community to organizations tasked with serving veterans!

Refund policy

Veterans Network Committee of Northern Illinois is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.



Final Results

Round 1: Indian Oaks - Dynamic Disc Veterans for Vets, 20 holes, par 63
1Addison Woodard6969
2Kelsey Chelberg7575
3Denise Carpenter9292
Round 1: Indian Oaks - Dynamic Disc Veterans for Vets, 20 holes, par 63
1Sunny You5555
2Dan Schlitter5656
2Daren DeWitt5656
2Frank Buttacavoli5656
5Ken Bremer5757
6Blaine Parson5858
7John Danial5959
8Dave Lancaste6060
8Frederick Vroman6060
8Jamey Papanek6060
8Sang Park6060
12Jacob Jouris6363
12Nate Parker6363
12Ralph Randle6363
15Brendan Corcoran6464
15Daniel Mendez6464
15Jackson Woodard6464
18Greg Silsby6565
18Trevor Scott6565
20Timmy Briggs6666
20Trenton Babcock6666
22Adam Van Newenhizen6767
23Kyle Murray6868
24David Fairhurst7171
24Lucio Bracho7171
26Anthony Eldredge-0
Round 1: Indian Oaks - Dynamic Disc Veterans for Vets, 20 holes, par 63
1Jarrett Laurie6363
2Jody Moore6767
3Thomas Hackler6969
4Dan Wilks7272
4Michael Hostetter7272
6Lenny Betker7373
7Daniel Cosentino7575
8Mike Mapes7676
8Ryan Ickes7676
10Jesse D Morgan7777
11Jay Cody114114
Round 1: Indian Oaks - Dynamic Disc Veterans for Vets, 20 holes, par 63
1Kelsey Salazar8787
2Amy Heilman9292
2Michelle Schuster9292
4Claire Lamoureux9797
Round 1: Indian Oaks - Dynamic Disc Veterans for Vets, 20 holes, par 63
1Alex Strecker6262
1Tim Gonzalez-Smith6262
3Charlie Thole6464
3Glen Kobylarz6464
3Zachary Ogle6464
6Chris Lee6767
6Jacob Edwards6767
6John Woodard6767
6Jordan Fridley6767
6Matt Dalman6767
11Eric Ceruti6868
11Jeff Krueger6868
11Jonathan Wirkus6868
11Ryan Anderson6868
11Sergio Ramirez6868
11Tim Kindberg6868
17Andrew Raboine6969
18Corinno T7070
18Greg Boone7070
18Matt Hollis7070
18Shane Lien7070
18Terrance Jackson7070
23Dan The Man Czeslawski7171
23Douglas C Dziubla7171
25Chris Fenske7272
25Joel Hernandez7272
25Tyler Grey7272
28Joe Martinez7373
28Kelson Woodard7373
28Landon Mendez7373
28Ray Marchand7373
32Keith Hernandez7474
32Rory Martin7474
34David Frederick7575
34Ethan Trommater7575
34Vinny Pastore7575
37Francisco Esquivel7777
38Fidel Montoya-Servin7878
39Austin Kenney7979
39Jeff Duvall7979
41Bill DiPuma8282
42Mayson Schlieger8383
43Arthur LeDoux8787
44Alex Richoz9090
44Johnny Svigelj9090
46Kevin Bursell9494
47Cletus Short-0
Round 1: Indian Oaks - Dynamic Disc Veterans for Vets, 20 holes, par 63
1Aaron Stain6666
3Brendon McCarthy7070
4Kenneth Braswell7474
5David Hilt7575
6Jason Barnard7676
7Alexander Dixon7777
8Jeremy Randle8282
9Jim Satterlee8787
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