Something for everybody in this format.
A three round two day tournament for Pro players on a challenging layout.
Also a full tournament for Intermediate players. For Advanced (Sunday) and Recreational (Sunday) and Novice (Saturday) there is a one day tournament, each on a suitable layout.
Another rarely seen feature is the afternoon start of the tournament, with practice and doubles on the Saturday morning, so everybody has the opportunity for proper preparation.
Divisions / layouts (corresponding with UDisc):
Open (MPO) - Blue Layout - Sat + Sun (3 rounds)
Advanced (MA1) - Blue Layout - Just Sun (2 rounds)
Intermediate (MA2) + Open Women (FPO) - Light Blue Layout - Sat + Sun (3 rounds)
Recreational (MA3) + Intermediate Women (FA2) - Light Blue Layout - Just Sun (Just Sun)
Novice (MA4 /FA4) - White Layout - Just Sat (2 rounds)
This is a new tournament feature that will take some getting used to, so be careful when you register. Make sure to register for the right division! Get in touch with the TD to double check ([email redacted]). Same goes for Masters and Juniors. We will decide together which layout will be appropriate for that division.