
Duel in Dayton - STS #1 - Presented by Innova

PDGA B-tier · Sat-Sun, May 18-19, 2019May 2019 · Dayton, NV

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Jeffery Groller Need to back out of tournament due to medical issues. Thank you! May 15, 2019
Michael Medina May 15, 2019 Sorry to hear that. Hope you get well soon.
Charles Ray I heard the river is still high? Is this true? Will there be temp holes? How’s the water situation? May 14, 2019
Michael Medina May 14, 2019
It's all good, there are 4 new holes we always use when the river is up. 7,8,9 & 10 are out. So hole ... show more ›
Charles Ray May 16, 2019 Thanks Mike!
Wyatt Haenel How does camping at the state park down the road work. Do we just pull up and pick a spot? Or do we have to reserve one? May 13, 2019
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Charles Ray May 14, 2019 I stayed last year and we rented a site and they gave us a discount. I think the group camping is near the end of the park and you can set up tents...
Charles Ray May 14, 2019 The camp host will come by and harass ya but he’s really cool and will take you money gladly. Haha
Michael Medina May 14, 2019 It Is first come first served
John Bionaz Hey Mike, anyway you could put me on the waiting list for now and if I get in I can pay via PayPal or day of? I’d be in am2. May 13, 2019
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Charles Ray May 14, 2019 Thanks Mike! John is a friend of mine!
Michael Medina May 14, 2019 John, please pay by Thursday online. also I need your shirt size $2 extra for XXL
John Bionaz May 14, 2019 I will pay tomorrow. Shirt size is a large.
Andrew Mincey Trying to sign up for the wait list but won't let me? Can I get on? May 4, 2019
Andrew Mincey May 4, 2019 Pro master 40+
Michael Medina May 7, 2019 You can get on now.
Jamie marchesano Hey mike unfortunately I'm going to have to drop out of the tournament do to some personal matters. Sorry i was really looking forward to it. Apr 29, 2019
Ron "Skull" Brown My apologies but I'd like to request a refund. I need to be removed from the MP50+ group. Apr 19, 2019
Michael Medina Apr 19, 2019 No problem Ron. Sorry to hear that, you are going to miss out on a great tourney. Maybe next year. Take care.
Justin Scott Thanks mike I'm just confirming my backing out for Dj and myself family business thanks again see y'all next year Apr 18, 2019
Michael Medina Apr 18, 2019 Cool, hope to see you both next year. Take care.
Paul Sanchez Are you guys offering pro 50+ and 60+? Feb 17, 2019
Michael Medina Feb 18, 2019 I will add pro 50 division not pro 60.
Michael Medina Feb 18, 2019 I have a Adv 60 ... Hope at least 4 sign up for pro 50, if not I will move them to pro 40. We do not get many pros because our tourney is the same weekend as the Santa Cruz Open...
Fats Sonderfan I accidentally signed up for Open. Please move me to Masters 40+. Thanks! Feb 17, 2019
Michael Medina Feb 18, 2019 Ok you got it Fats
Fats Sonderfan Feb 22, 2019 Thanks Mike!
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