Ducks Creek Doubles #5

Doubles tournament

Sunday, July 13, 2025

Hosted by Ducks Pond DGC

Part of Ducks Creek Doubles 2025



RAD White [rating <935] $80 / team
RAE Red [rating <900] $80 / team
RAF Green [rating <850] $80 / team

About this tournament

Welcome to the 2025 doubles series hosted by Ducks Pond DGC and Mill Creek. We will have 6 total events this year. There will be CASH payouts for the end of year prizes instead of plastic. The EOY pot is at $250. Also, we will be paying out the top 6 people (2 each division) for the final. This way you do not have to have the same partner for the events.

There are 3 divisions. You will be placed in the division for the higher rated person on your team so try and find an equal. If you do not have a rating, men will be standard 850 and women will be standard 750.

All in is $40 per player, breakdown:

$20 CASH payout day of event
$5 ace pool (optional)
$5 course fee
$7 CTPs and food/drink
$3 EOY pot

RAD and RAE: OG 1st round and Short 2nd
RAF: Short and Short

RAD and RAE: White 1st round and Red 2nd
RAF: Red and Red

If the ace pot is not hit, it will roll over to the next event. If it is left at the championship, we will throw off for half and the 2nd half will go to start the the EOY pot for 2026.