Dragon Flex November

PDGA logoSaturday, November 18, 2023 at Lower Badlands in Denver, Colorado
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

About this tournament

Welcome to the November edition of the Dragon Flex Days. This will run the same way as all prior flex start events have been run this year.

Players will show up anytime within their 1 hour time frame. You will check in with me and receive your players pack. At that point if you have a pre set card you are able to start your round. If you do not have a card then don’t worry, I will card you up with someone. Cards must be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5.
We will be playing 1 round of the standard Lower Badlands layout.
We are using digital scoring for the event through the PDGA at pdga.com/score. Do not log in until you have all the players for your card. Two people will keep score and each player will need to confirm their score at the end of the round. The digital score is your final score so be sure to submit correctly.
This is a PDGA sanctioned event which means that all PDGA rules apply. Be sure to check out the rules or get a refresher at pdga.com. I also recommend downloading the PDGA Live app from the play store. It will have the scorecard that we will be using, live scoring for all PDGA events and the rule book all in one place.

I will have club tags available for $20, payment by cash,paypal or venmo and trophies for prior flex start winners. If you need to receive a trophy then definitely let me know when you check in.

Refund policy

Dragon DGC is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/75660
1Isaac Mangrum4444$78
1Michael Caine4444$78
3Stephen Banks4545$46
4Greg Lang4646$35
5Tristan Lucerne4747$29
6Joshua Matheison4949$17
6Keola Long4949$17
6Michael Fusco4949$17
6Steve Schroeder4949$17
6Zac Ramirez4949$17
11Joshua Davies Martin5050
12Endi Tollkuçi5151
12Jonathan Jamborino5151
12Luke Myers5151
15Andy Sprenger5252
15Drew LaBelle5252
15Jon Chavez5252
15Zach Kauffman5252
20Nick Vigil5454
20Oscar Pena5454
22Gavan Cunningham5959
23Zach Tillman6161
1Alex Johnson4747$39
2Damon Henry4949$23
3Bryan Louma5858
4Peter Mouser5959
1Erik Tribelhorn5050
2Randy Zimmerman5858
1Sara Waligorski5757$16
1Matt Hilario4747
2Andrew Giddings4848
2Trenton Schilling4848
4Alex Phannenstiel5050
4Anthony Salley5050
4Nick Sutton5050
7Taylor Lorenzen5151
7Todd Jacko5151
9Alex Hallums5252
9CJ Dorval5252
9Isaac Kerns5252
9Jesse Koch-Laskowski5252
9Matt Trowbridge5252
9Max Bass5252
9Tony Dziuba5252
16David Briggs5454
16Kevin Bankson5454
18Brett Tebbe5555
18Dillon Boden5555
18Zach Arcona5555
21Ben Hermsen5656
22Christopher Hammett5757
22Matthew Crawford5757
22Max Webber5757
22Tanner Raabe5757
26Zach Blakely6262
1Kenny Lambert5050
2Brandon Nelon5151
3Dan Noonan5353
3Geoff Burkhardt5353
3Michael Coleman5353
6Kristopher Myers5454
7David Gordon5656
8Walter James6161
1Dave Kauffman5353
2Vern Harpley5757
3Dan Spencer5858
4Raymond Soileau6161
5Christopher Melia6363
6Andy Campbell6868
1Les White6161
2Doug Banning6363
3Keri SIbley6464
4Greg Coleman7171
1Isaac Kazin4848
1Nick Sanchez4848
3Ian Kratzer5050
4Douglas Fournet5151
5Matthew Baxter5252
6Aaron Polejewski5353
6Nathan Williams5353
8Aaron Lundberg5454
8Greg Gill5454
8Herbert Lush5454
8Hobs Apell5454
12Andrew Maloney5555
12Austen Hodge5555
12Jon Dudley5555
12Marshall Kratzer5555
12Tim Banning5555
17Alex Versackas5656
17Duncan Chou5656
17Jack Bain5656
20Chase Hanebrink5757
21Chris Carter5858
21Daniel Phelan5858
23Chad Wolak5959
24Jonathan Simpson6060
24Mike Livote6060
27Josh Siefring6363
27Markus Winkelman6363
1Dominic Venuto5151
2Jorge Benitez5252
3Casey Hudson5454
4Abel Copeland5656
5Chris Toffolo5858
5Tommy Webb5858
7Cameron Kruse5959
7Joe Gabrielli5959
7Ryan Volak5959
10Adam Horst6060
10Chris Wilson6060
12Nathan Leonard6161
14Colin Gaiser6262
14Darrell Knight6262
14Tony Kubly6262
17Gabe Zansberg6363
18Ron Dropcho7070
19Damian Weiler7373
1Christina White6060
1Emily Douglas6060
3Felicia Maddox6161
1Abby Eckland7171
1Ben Giddings6464
2Graeme Toffolo6868
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