Dragon Flex July

PDGA logoSaturday, July 20, 2024 at Exposition Park in Aurora, Colorado
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

About this tournament

Welcome to the June edition of the Dragon Flex Days. This will run the same way as all prior flex start events have been run this year.

Players will show up anytime within their 1 hour time frame and check in with me. At that point if you have a pre set card you are able to start your round. If you do not have a card then don’t worry, I will card you up with someone. Cards must be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5.
We will be playing 1 round of the standard Expo layout.
We are using digital scoring for the event through the PDGA at pdga.com/score. Do not log in until you have all the players for your card. Two people will keep score and each player will need to confirm their score at the end of the round. The digital score is your final score so be sure to submit correctly.
This is a PDGA sanctioned event which means that all PDGA rules apply. Be sure to check out the rules or get a refresher at pdga.com. I also recommend downloading the PDGA Live app from the play store. It will have the scorecard that we will be using, live scoring for all PDGA events and the rule book all in one place.

I will have club tags available for $20, payment by cash,paypal or venmo and trophies for prior flex start winners. If you need to receive a trophy then definitely let me know when you check in.

Refund policy

Dragon DGC is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/83499
1Anthony Ippolito41$40
2Ethan Boyd44$11
2Keola Long44$11
4Salvador Ross57
1Scott Carlisle43$23
1Greg Lang43$23
3Andy Sprenger48
1Austen Hodge45
1Todd Jacko45
3Patrick Francia46
4Chase Hanebrink47
4Austin Jones47
4Tanner Raabe47
7David Briggs49
7Michael Donlin49
9Tyler Berg50
9Chris Carter50
11Alexis Diaz52
12Dino Hsu54
1Dane Scanlon46
2Dan Noonan47
3Lance Cassell51
3Corey Weins51
5Alexander Vogel52
1Jeff Weber50
2Daniel Chavez52
1Randy Zimmerman48
1Ronnie Ross60
1Rich Shively45
2Jack Bain47
2Gabe Zansberg47
4Tyler Fogt48
4Jacob Gordon48
4Alex Wieczorek48
4Ben Zych48
8Matthew Baxter49
8Phillip Tiscareno49
8Brian Whited49
8Marcus Winkelman49
12Blake Robling50
13Manuel Galvan Estrada52
14Connor Touchton57
1Tyler Krause50
2Ryan Barker51
3Kyle Kissinger52
4Fez Alcala53
4Josue Diaz53
6Hilario Diaz Jr54
6Zachariah Trollinger54
8Brandon Ross55
9Steve Haddock56
10Tristan Greer58
11Thomas Meneley65
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