Jared Horner
Just so everyone is aware, we are going to have hotdogs and chips provided for lunch, but please bring your own drinks so you don't go thirsty! See everyone tomorrow morning! Feb 9, 2024
Jared Horner Feb 10, 2024Tournament Central will be in the third parking lot, the one by hole 7 and 8! Thank you!
Jared Horner
Thank you to those have registered so far! Please spread the word to your friends and try and make this a fun "get together" kind of event, as that is what we are looking to get from this tournament! Good people all together playing a great sport! Thank you! Dec 27, 2023
Corey Carpenter
With the ratings do you just go by the highest rated on the team? my partner isn't rated but its like their 4th tournament ever Dec 16, 2023
Jared Horner Dec 16, 2023Yes the highest rated player please!