Not playing as a
WARrior this weekend?
Come join the
Draft Dodging Peace Brigade
PDGA Sanctioned C-Tier
Sponsored by and Be The Disc
running congruently with traditional Barnett Sunday Handicaps
Shotgun start at 9:00am
Parkside Course
Long tees: MA1 / MPO
Short tees: All other divisions
alternate tee times available for groups of 3 or more.
Contact TD Mike Hermes 321-318-3948
Day of sign ups welcome
Two rounds for only MA1 + MPO
Single round for all other divisions
Second round Northcourse
Course Clean Up Prize
Lab 2nd Glitch signed by Sarah Hokom
awarded to player who picks up the most trash during their round, bags will be provided
Image in "Pictures" section
AM Entry Fee $15
$5 Event fees ($2 PDGA + $3 Site Rental)
$5 Player Pack (Disc Golf Center Voucher)
$5 Division Payout (Disc Golf Center Voucher)
Pro Payout as per PDGA regulations
All players at the 9:00am shotgun tee time are encouraged to also compete in the Barnett Sunday Handicaps. All in $5, Ace and CTP only $3 sign up for handicaps is day of only.
There will be no ace fund or CTPs for Peace Brigade event
Thanks buddy, if you wanna play at noon there's a few cards going out