Discraft's Great Lakes Open presented by Gerrit J Verburg Co.
PDGA A-tier · Fri-Sun, Sep 5-7, 2025Sep 2025 · Milford, MI

Discraft's Great Lakes Open presented by Gerrit J Verburg Co.
PDGA A-tier · Amateur
Fri-Sun, September 5-7, 2025
Hosted by Ledgestone
Staff Contact ›
Sep 19:00am - 4:00pm at Independence Lake County Park
Flex C Tiers at East and West Courses
Sep 29:00am - 4:00pm at Hudson Mills Metropark
Flex C Tier at Hudson Mills Monster
Sep 39:00am - 4:00pm at Hudson Mills Metropark
Flex C Tier at Hudson Mills Original
9:00am - 5:00pm
Tournament Pro Shop at Holdens
3:00pm - 4:00pm at Kensington Metropark
Discraft Players Clinic at Toboggan Course
4:30pm - 7:00pm at Kensington Metropark
Paul McBeth Foundation Play with the Champs Event
Sep 48:00am - 3:00pm at Kensington Metropark
MPO/FPO 1st Round - Tee Times at Toboggan Course
8:00am - 5:00pm
Tournament Pro Shop at Holdens and Toboggan
9:00am - 7:00pm
AM Check in at Holden's - Milford, MI
9:00am - 4:00pm at Kensington Metropark
Flex C Tiers at Black Locust Blue and Black Locust Green
12:00pm - 5:00pm at Kensington Metropark
Discraft Vending at Toboggan
7:30pm - 8:15pm
Eagles Wings Chapel Service
Sep 58:00am - 3:00pm
AMs 1st Round - Tee Times
8:00am - 3:00pm at Kensington Metropark
MPO/FPO 2nd Round - Tee Times at Toboggan Course
8:00am - 5:00pm at Kensington Metropark
Tournament Pro Shop at Toboggan
12:00pm - 5:00pm at Kensington Metropark
Discraft Vending at Toboggan
6:00pm - 8:00pm at Kensington Metropark
Pizza Party at Toboggan Couse - Orchard Shelter
6:00pm - 8:00pm at Kensington Metropark
Putting Competition at Toboggan
Sep 68:00am - 3:00pm
AMs 2nd Round - Tee Times
8:00am - 3:00pm at Kensington Metropark
MPO/FPO 3rd Round - Tee Times at Toboggan Course
8:00am - 5:00pm at Kensington Metropark
Tournament Pro Shop at Toboggan
12:00pm - 5:00pm at Kensington Metropark
Discraft Vending at Toboggan
4:00pm - 8:00pm
Flymart at Holden's - Milford, MI
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Discraft Special Release at Holden's - Milford, MI
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Mini Golf Competition at Holden's - Milford, MI
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Players Party/Dinner at Holden's - Milford, MI
Sep 78:00am - 3:00pm
AMs 3rd Round - Tee Times
8:00am - 3:00pm at Kensington Metropark
MPO/FPO 4th Round - Tee Times at Toboggan Course
8:00am - 5:00pm at Kensington Metropark
Tournament Pro Shop at Toboggan
12:00pm - 5:00pm at Kensington Metropark
Discraft Vending at Toboggan
Divisions Register ›
MA1 | Mixed Am 1 | $165 |
FA1 | Women's Am 1 | $165 |
MA40 | Mixed Am 40+ | $165 |
FA40 | Women's Am 40+ | $165 |
MA50 | Mixed Am 50+ | $165 |
FA50 | Women's Am 50+ | $165 |
MA55 | Mixed Am 55+ | $165 |
FA55 | Women's Am 55+ | $165 |
MA60 | Mixed Am 60+ | $165 |
FA60 | Women's Am 60+ | $165 |
MA65 | Mixed Am 65+ | $165 |
FA65 | Women's Am 65+ | $165 |
MA70 | Mixed Am 70+ | $165 |
FA70 | Women's Am 70+ | $165 |
MA2 | Mixed Am 2 | $165 |
FA2 | Women's Am 2 | $165 |
MA3 | Mixed Am 3 | $165 |
FA3 | Women's Am 3 | $165 |
MA4 | Mixed Am 4 | $165 |
FA4 | Women's Am 4 | $165 |
MJ18 | Mixed Junior 18 | $165 |
FJ18 | Girls' Junior 18 | $165 |
MJ15 | Mixed Junior 15 | $165 |
FJ15 | Girls' Junior 15 | $165 |
About this tournament
Here are several enhancements the event team is making for the 2025 event:
-We will be increasing the quantity of food at our player party events
-We are adding a Flymart on Saturday night to our event schedule
-We will be adding additional CTP's including women's only CTP's
-We will be doing enhanced trophies for the AM divisions this year
-We are adding women's spots in all divisions
Players Pack:
• GRIPeq Custom CS2 Bag (option to upgrade to an AX6 bag or special edition DGLO Compact Zuca Cart)
• 3 Discraft Limited Edition discs
• Sublimated DGLO Jersey
• Tube of Zanfel
• Merrell discount code coupon
• Sublimated towel
• Special Edition DGLO/Brixton Trading Card
• DGLO Disc Golf Pin
• DryV Bag
• Ability to purchase discounted spectator admission tickets
• Two free meals
• Coupons
Hotel: We have contracted with the Hilton Garden Inn in Novi as our host hotel for this event and they are offering a special, discounted rate. Players can book online at the following link: https://www.hilton.com/en/attend-my-event/2025discraftgreatlakesopen/
AM Note: AM players playing the A Tier event will have the ability to purchase a discounted pass to spectate at Toboggan as part of their player's pack.
Hudson Mills, Independence Lake and Kensington Metroparks do require a pass to enter the parks. No additional fees will need to be paid by the players (such as the $3 disc golf fee at Hudson Mills) as those fees are being covered by the event. Annual passes can be purchased at each of these three parks.
Event Schedule: https://dglo.net/schedule/
Course Schedule: https://dglo.net/course-schedule/
Check-in: Check-in is required Thursday September 4th at Holden's Party Store just outside of Kensington Metropark.
Refund policy
We will follow the PDGA's refund policy: https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/103
Players who did the early registration but have to withdraw will still receive their hole sponsorship or three pack of fundraiser discs. Those items are non refundable as they were a condition for early registration. Those players will receive a refund minus $10 of their entry fee only.
August 5 is the last day to receive a full refund for the refund, minus the $10 processing fee, unless the event spot is filled from the waitlist. Refund requests between August 6th and August 20th receive a 50% refund unless the spot is immediately filled from someone on the current waitlist.
Players requesting a refund between August 21st and September 2nd at 6PM eastern time will receive a 25% refund, unless the event spot is filled from the waitlist.
Players requesting a refund after September 2nd at 6PM eastern time, which is the published time for the close of registration, or players who do not check in, will not receive a refund or their players pack.
VIP passes and discounted spectator admission tickets are non refundable. Discs purchased through registration are non refundable and will be shipped after the event if a player drops.