Fulmor Heights Disc Golf Skills Clinic

Disc golf event

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Hosted by Andrew Fish


  • Sun
    Jan 29


    Clinic Begins


GEN General $25

About this tournament

This clinic is hosted by three of the mid-Atlantic's top professional players, Dan Brooks-Wells, Mike Carman, and Andrew Fish. We'll spend about an hour as a group discussing three major disc golf skills: backhand, forehand, and putting. Time, attendance, and weather permitting, there will be opportunity for individual or small-group instruction from these experienced teachers! Come on out and figure out how to optimize your winter disc golf training.

$2 from each registration will go to the Fulmor Heights HOA. Must be signed in by a club member to enter clubhouse or bar area after the clinic.

We may have discs available for sale to help support our touring efforts.

Refund policy

Andrew Fish is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.