Dip's Discs Circuit Challenge

Saturday, August 5, 2023 at Fort Nugent Park in Oak Harbor, Washington
Disc golf singles tournament

Dip's Discs Circuit Challenge graphic

About this tournament

Special Note: This year we will be hosting the Trilogy Challenge and MVP Circuit Challenge back to back on the same day. Those whose compete in both events will be competing for additional prizes. All players that compete in both events with receive a gift card to Dip’s Discs as part of their players pack.

2023 MVPChallenge had three great discs, one each from MVP, Axiom and Streamline Discs. These three discs, and only these discs, are to be used during the event.

MVP Proton Servo
6.5 | 5 | -1 | 2

– A reliable stable fairway driver
– Low-power players will find it to be dependably straight-to-fade, line shaping is a breeze
– For high-power players, the Servo will exhibit some turn, making it a hyzer-flip laser

Axiom Neutron Tempo
4 | 4 | 0 | 2.5

– Low profile, putt and approach disc
– Overstable enough to handle torque, but it’s still very throwable with some glide for all players
– Reliable forehand and backhand

Streamline Electron Runway
5 | 4.5 | 0 | 3.5

– Electron brings a bit more glide to the reliable Runway
– Excellent grip in all conditions
– Amazing disc for cycling through stages of wear

Refund policy

Dip’s Discs is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.
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