Dieppe Trilogy Challenge 2019

Singles tournament

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Hosted by Disc Golf Dieppe

Part of Trilogy Challenge 2019


  • Sat
    Jul 13


    830 Check in starts
    930 Player's Meeting
    1000 First Round
    12/1230ish lunch break
    1/130ish round 2 start
    3/330ish end + closing ceremony and prizes.

    Let's Goooooo!

    PS - Everyone has to use the discs provided in the player's pack. It's fun.


LADY Women Only Division C$45
ADV Advanced C$45
INT Intermediate C$45
NEW New / Rec C$45
KIDS Kiddos Division (Junior) C$45

About this tournament

Refund policy

Disc Golf Dieppe is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.