Devils Night Dubs

Doubles tournament

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Hosted by Launchpad Disc Golf


A. Buchanan Alycia Buchanan MIXO
B. Elkins Brandon Elkins MIXO
Coop Coop MPO
Cali Cali MPO
B. Cygan Beau Cygan MA1
C. Neal Chase Neal MA1
A. Rosen Ashlyn Rosen FA1
J. Crosby Jaimee Crosby FA1



MIXO Mixed Pro Open $60 / team
MIXA Mixed Am $60 / team
MPO Mixed Pro Open $60 / team
FPO Women's Pro Open $60 / team
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $60 / team
FA1 Women's Am 1 $60 / team

About this tournament

2nd Annual Devils Night Dubs

Come out for 1 round of Glow Golf at Swope Park!

Beverages provided by Crane Brewery

Costume contest Sponsored by Rippit Disc Golf
prizes for top 3 costumes/ must be a player to enter

Chilli feed for $5 dollar donations
Proceeds go the the course improvment fund from the Eastern Front

Open/Mixed Open division $60 a team - cash payout
opportunity to purchase player pack for $25 per player during registration ONLY
make sure to include shirt size an color

Am/ Mixed Am division $60 a team - trophy only
must register to get players pack
include shirt size an color
can sign up day of for $40 a team if there is room available

Raffle! again we have tons of great stuff to raffle off this year
1 -$3 2 for $5 5 for $10

we will have a CTP prize for each division

Registration ends OCT.13th, it is very important to get registered this year, it will be the only way to get a players pack.
Cant make it to the event but still want a players pack? contact us!

Players Pack!
Tshirt with 4 color option
Purple/black/orange/mint green
Glow wizard
Event Poster

Check in at 5
Activities at 6
Players meeting At 7
Tee off shortly after players meeting

Come join Launchpad for unique event with tons FUN!

Sponsorship opportunities available
$50 donation will get advertising an logo on shirt
$75 in merchandise will get the same
contact us!
Comedy (performance)

Refund policy

Launchpad Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.