Dayton Disc Golf Freezer Bowl #3 BYOP at Handyman Ace Hardware DGC
Assistant TDJim Bacon
About this tournament
Welcome to Dayton Disc Golf presents
Freezer Bowl #3 BYOP Charity Event
@ Handyman Ace Hardware DGC in Fairborn, Ohio
➥Note: The Freezer Bowl events are charity events designed to have fun and raise donations for local food pantries in the greater Dayton, OH area. THERE WILL BE NO DAY-OF SIGNUPS!
Dayton Disc Golf will be partnering with Beyond Disc Golf for the final two Freezer Bowls, and joining them in their efforts to reach their 1000 lb food donation goal. They are only about 200 lbs away from their goal. WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN! If you are able to, please bring at least TWO non-perishable food items to the event(s), and you will then be eligible to partake in the fight for two different bonus CTP's. These CTP's will only be available to each participant that brings two items for donation.
➥Note: $10 to charity.
●Optional: $5 - 50/50 ace fund.
➥Note: 50% to charity. (If no ace is hit, 100% to charity).
●Optional: $5 - For 5 mulligans
➥Note: 100% to charity.
Short Tees - All Divisions
18 Holes
"Bring Your Own Partner" Best Shot Doubles
➥Note: MUST HAVE 3 TEAMS TO A DIVISION - unless otherwise approved by TD.
● Official event scoring MUST be completed by ONE person on each card via UDisc.
● Player names MUST be the first & last name of EACH registrant. MAKE SURE TO USE VALID EMAILS FOR BOTH PLAYERS WHEN REGISTERING!
● A back-up PAPER score card is highly recommended to compare scores for validity.
TEE OFF 12:00 PM:
● You will receive your tee assignment by email shortly after registration closes. You will need to be at your tee assignment at least 5 minutes before the 12 PM tee off.
● TWO MINUTE WARNING will be marked by TWO sounds from an air horn (or car horn).
● ROUND START marked by ONE LONG sound of the air horn (or car horn).
➥Note: When your card has completed the round, check with Tournament Director & confirm scores for the round.
● If you announce a mulligan, you must use a mulligan. If a mulligan is used then your first shot is no longer valid. It is highly recommended that one person from each card should keep track of the use of mulligans. If there is any confusion on whether you or someone on your card, may or may not have donated the extra $5 for the 5 mulligans.. On your TEE assignment sheet there will be a little box added (checked on unchecked), confirming whether or not mulligans were purchased, by each competitor's name. Please refer to the tee assignment sheet, your event receipt, or the TD; if there are any further concerns or questions.
➥Note: IF you ACE on a mulligan throw it DOES count towards the 50/50 ace fund.
● Ace fund is 50/50.
If NO ace is hit 100% will be donated to the total donation raised for the food pantry.
● All payouts for Amateur Divisions will be available no later than FEBRUARY 6th @ Hazy Shade Disc Golf and More
● All Professional (Open) Divisions will be available no later than FEBRUARY 6th via PayPal or Venmo
● ACE payout(s), if one or more are hit, will be available no later than FEBRUARY 6th via PayPal or Venmo
Freezer Bowl #3 BYOP Charity Event
@ Handyman Ace Hardware DGC in Fairborn, Ohio
➥Note: The Freezer Bowl events are charity events designed to have fun and raise donations for local food pantries in the greater Dayton, OH area. THERE WILL BE NO DAY-OF SIGNUPS!
Dayton Disc Golf will be partnering with Beyond Disc Golf for the final two Freezer Bowls, and joining them in their efforts to reach their 1000 lb food donation goal. They are only about 200 lbs away from their goal. WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN! If you are able to, please bring at least TWO non-perishable food items to the event(s), and you will then be eligible to partake in the fight for two different bonus CTP's. These CTP's will only be available to each participant that brings two items for donation.
➥Note: $10 to charity.
●Optional: $5 - 50/50 ace fund.
➥Note: 50% to charity. (If no ace is hit, 100% to charity).
●Optional: $5 - For 5 mulligans
➥Note: 100% to charity.
Short Tees - All Divisions
18 Holes
"Bring Your Own Partner" Best Shot Doubles
➥Note: MUST HAVE 3 TEAMS TO A DIVISION - unless otherwise approved by TD.
● Official event scoring MUST be completed by ONE person on each card via UDisc.
● Player names MUST be the first & last name of EACH registrant. MAKE SURE TO USE VALID EMAILS FOR BOTH PLAYERS WHEN REGISTERING!
● A back-up PAPER score card is highly recommended to compare scores for validity.
TEE OFF 12:00 PM:
● You will receive your tee assignment by email shortly after registration closes. You will need to be at your tee assignment at least 5 minutes before the 12 PM tee off.
● TWO MINUTE WARNING will be marked by TWO sounds from an air horn (or car horn).
● ROUND START marked by ONE LONG sound of the air horn (or car horn).
➥Note: When your card has completed the round, check with Tournament Director & confirm scores for the round.
● If you announce a mulligan, you must use a mulligan. If a mulligan is used then your first shot is no longer valid. It is highly recommended that one person from each card should keep track of the use of mulligans. If there is any confusion on whether you or someone on your card, may or may not have donated the extra $5 for the 5 mulligans.. On your TEE assignment sheet there will be a little box added (checked on unchecked), confirming whether or not mulligans were purchased, by each competitor's name. Please refer to the tee assignment sheet, your event receipt, or the TD; if there are any further concerns or questions.
➥Note: IF you ACE on a mulligan throw it DOES count towards the 50/50 ace fund.
● Ace fund is 50/50.
If NO ace is hit 100% will be donated to the total donation raised for the food pantry.
● All payouts for Amateur Divisions will be available no later than FEBRUARY 6th @ Hazy Shade Disc Golf and More
● All Professional (Open) Divisions will be available no later than FEBRUARY 6th via PayPal or Venmo
● ACE payout(s), if one or more are hit, will be available no later than FEBRUARY 6th via PayPal or Venmo
Refund policy
>> Dayton Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
>> Refunds will only be given before registration closes.
>> No refunds after registration closes. No exceptions.
>> Refunds will only be given before registration closes.
>> No refunds after registration closes. No exceptions.