
Day/Glow at the Grove

Singles tournament · Sat, Oct 6, 2018Oct 2018 · Maple Valley, WA

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Thomas Bontempo Hey guys, Is there room for a glow round participant?
Don't care about player's pack or winning anything.
Just thought it would be fun to play in the woods at night
Oct 5, 2018
Gaffney's Grove Oct 5, 2018 Not a problem, come on down!
Thomas Bontempo Oct 5, 2018
Johnny DeArman Can you do a jr 18 division by chance since there is a jr 10 division just checking for y son Oct 5, 2018
jared Mcglinchey Oct 5, 2018 No can do brotha... Im sorry its too late
jared Mcglinchey Tournament starts at 4pm Player check in at 3pm We had to adjust it to allow Darkness to happen. So our discs can glow for round 2 Sep 25, 2018
Tony Nocera I too would like to know what time the rounds are going to be played. Aug 29, 2018
Gaffney's Grove Sep 17, 2018 Rounds start around 3PM
Kris Walker What time will the rounds be played? Aug 25, 2018
Gaffney's Grove Sep 17, 2018 It starts around 3PM
Johnny DeArman Is there going to be player pack for this tournament by chance just checking Aug 14, 2018
Gaffney's Grove Aug 15, 2018 Yes there will be a player pack, still working out the details of what is going to be included.
Jeff Forister Aug 17, 2018 Is the tournament going to include a PDGA rating?
Paul Bokor Aug 22, 2018 Nope. Unsanctioned.
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