Dawn Patrol #2: The Dawn-ening

PDGA logoThursday, July 8, 2021 at Lake Ridge Park in Woodbridge, Virginia
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament
Part of Dawn Patrol

About this tournament

This one-round shotgun start C-Tier takes place on the Lake Ridge Disc Golf Course that co-exists with the Lake Ridge Golf course. We will play two loops of nine holes, playing once each to the orange ("A") baskets and the blue ("B") baskets.

Golf course greens fees are included in your entry fee. AMs will receive a NOVA-imprinted combination divot repair tool and bottle opener. PROs payout will be 100% of gross entry fees.

We anticipate the course will be available for practice no later than June 1.

Refund policy

GYROscope Disc Golf, LLC is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.



Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/51771
Round 1: Lake Ridge Park - Blue tees to orange, then blue baskets, 18 holes, par 59
1Ryan Sparks6060
2Mark Bennett6363
Round 1: Lake Ridge Park - Blue tees to orange, then blue baskets, 18 holes, par 59
1Mike McKittrick6262
Round 1: Lake Ridge Park - Blue tees to orange, then blue baskets, 18 holes, par 59
1Rob Stark6060
2Noel Duke6161
3Dennis Cavallaro6464
3Jeff Snider6464
5Steve Tashjian6666
6Joel Harrop7272
Round 1: Lake Ridge Park - Blue tees to orange, then blue baskets, 18 holes, par 59
1Ryan Miller5757
2Nathan Ellgren5858
3Chris Hunckler6060
3Ryan Hutton6060
5Christopher Ziemnick6161
6Bob Stahl6262
6Christopher Anderson6262
6Michael Sevachko6262
9Joey Lamar6565
10Jacob Samuel Yohn6767
11Mike Foxwell7373
Round 1: Lake Ridge Park - Blue tees to orange, then blue baskets, 18 holes, par 59
1Joshua Winn6565
2Andrew Shands6666
2Robert Thomas6666
4J.P. Harasek6868
5Diego Domine7070
5Jeff Carlson7070
7Andrew Lin7171
7Carter Buschman7171
9Austin Lopestad7272
9Jim Harrison7272
11Robert Michaud7575
12Patrick Bowman7878
Round 1: Lake Ridge Park - Blue tees to orange, then blue baskets, 18 holes, par 59
1Amy Shaw6767
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