Daddy Disc Golf Presents: GLOW MVP Space Race @ The Churchville 6

Singles tournament

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Hosted by Daddy Disc Golf

Part of MVP Space Race 2019

Part of MVP Circuit Events 2019


  • Sat
    Oct 12


    Sign in and receive players pack.


    ROUND 1 Daytime Space Race


    ROUND 2 GLOW Space Race


GEN General $28

About this tournament

Two Rounds of ACE hunting with the players pack discs ONLY! One round during the day and then a GLOW Round Two. We will be illuminating the tees and the baskets for the glow round. We will have extra glow supplies available for purchase if you do not already have some. The course will be setup for optimal ACE opportunities. Whoever hits the most Aces after round 2 will be the winner. If we have a tie, Metal hits will be the tiebreaker.

Refund policy

Event Coordinator (TD) is responsible for all cancellations or refund requests.