Dacey Dubs Ice Bowl

Sunday, January 31, 2021 at Dacey Fields in Franklin, Massachusetts
Disc golf doubles tournament

Dacey Dubs Ice Bowl graphic


Tournament DirectorCaley Allen
Death by Boom SauceRose Shertick

About this tournament

The Dacey Dubs Ice Bowl is a non-sanctioned charity doubles (BEST DISC) tournament - 1 round only.

This tournament is a fundraiser for the local Franklin Food Pantry: https://www.franklinfoodpantry.org/

Meaning that:
Entry fees: 50% to Food Pantry and 50% to payouts.
All tournament 'extras' (pick your card and mulligans) will go directly to the Food Pantry.

Due to COVID, we will not be able to collect non-perishable food items for donation. Therefore, this is a fundraiser and not a food drive.



Women's Pro Doubles $60
Women's Am Doubles $40
Women's Novice Doubles $30

Mixed Pro Doubles $60
Mixed Am Doubles $40
Mixed Novice Doubles $30

The Novice Divisions are the perfect division so you can play a round with your child, boyfriend, girlfriend, mother, father, brother, sister, etc - and get them hooked on the sport we all love! #growthesport


Registration opens for all women's divisions on November 30, 2020 at 8pm.

Registration closes 48 hours before the event.


LAYOUT will be a single round, blue to blue.

Depending on the number of teams in the varying novice divisions, the layout may be adjusted.



Once you arrive, please make your way to the practice basket area for check-in. At check-in you may buy into the ace pot and purchase mulligans if you did not do so already. You will also pick up your score card.

You may not select your card members during check in. This has to be completed before registration closes.

While at check-in please follow all local and state COVID mandates. At this time, this includes wearing a mask at all times and remaining 6 feet apart.

The practice basket will NOT BE USED.

If you want to warm up, please do so inside of the course or in the fields (if they are not being used by the town). We want to eliminate gatherings and groupings.

Check-In between 9:00-9:40am.
Get to your assigned starting hole no later than 9:55am.
Two minute warning: 9:58am
Start: 10:00am

When you have completed your round, please confirm scores by signing your initials and turn your card into the area where you checked in.

You are welcome to leave after this point. Or stay and play another round! A post will be made on the Dacey Fields FaceBook page with the tournament results. And payouts will be sent via PayPal.


Dacey is notorious for having poor cell phone reception. I will create paper score cards the night before, and distribute them at check in. Each team is encouraged to also keep a digital scorecard using UDisc.



Payouts will be top 40% of division. (May be adjusted according to division turn out.)

COVID Restrictions STILL APPLY!!!

Mask on premises at all times (except while throwing).
Maintain 6' separation (and still wear mask).
Bring personal hand sanitizer.
Please bring your own food / snacks / drinks.

Sadly because of COVID and the state mandated limit on gatherings, waiting for all cards from all divisions to finish and have an awards ceremony, is just not safe at the current time. Therefore, there will be no trophies for any divisions at this time and only payouts.



ACE POT will be $5.

This is an individual ace pot and not a team ace pot. IF one person on the team hits the ace, the ace pot money goes to the player who hit the ace.

If more than one person hits an ace, the pot will be split between them.

If no one hits an ace, the entire ace pot will be donated to the Franklin Food Pantry.

You can choose to enter the ace pot during registration or at check-in.



Did you hit first available, again? Did you and your partner miss that 8 foot putt for birdie? Did you and your partner both screw up that 'easy' up-shot???

Well have no fear, mulligans are here!

Each person can purchase 10 single-use mulligans for $25. These mulligans ARE NOT for the team, but for the individual who purchased them. All monies go directly to the Franklin Food Pantry.

For example, Sal & Sam are on a team. Sam purchased 10 mulligans for $25 and Sal did not. Sam gets 10 (single use) mulligans and Sal gets zero. Sal is lame and not a very good teammate. END. OF. STORY.

You may purchase mulligans during registration and/or at check in. Under no circumstances can mulligans be shared. Only the individual who purchased them can use them.

All proceeds go to the Franklin Food Pantry.


Do you have specific people you would like to play this tournament with?

During registration please pay $5 per person (so thats $10 per team) and enter who you would like to have on your card.

Both teams must submit this information during registration. Therefore total cost to select your cardmates is $20. ($10 per team.)

All proceeds go to the Franklin Food Pantry.



Who doesn't like to be silly and laugh?! Would you like to receive strokes off your final score?!

If one person on your team (i) shows up wearing a tutu to registration, (ii) does not remove the tutu at any point during the round, and (iii) plays the entire round wearing the tutu, then your team will receive one stroke off their final score.

If both members of the same team follow the rules above, then that team will receive four strokes off their final score.

Maximum number of tutus per person is ONE (that means you STEW!!), therefore the maximum number of tutus per team is two.

Refund policy

Caley Allen is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

Mixed Am
Round 1: Dacey Fields - Main Course Blue Tees (Long), 18 holes, par 60
Sharlene Capaccioli
4646 (-14)$100
2Annie Lamontagne
Nate Hartmann
4848 (-12)$70
3Amanda Borgman
James Barron
5151 (-9)$45
3Carleen Kibbe
Joe Luks
5151 (-9)$45
5Amanda Fowler
Edward Rose
5252 (-8)$30
6Emily Braun
Tyler Riel
5454 (-6)$25
7Alyssa Belli
Dean Slowey
5555 (-5)$15
7Christine Fanning
Sean O'Connor
5555 (-5)$15
7Chuck Edman
Daphne Chen
5555 (-5)$15
10Kate Froysa
Paul Sales
5757 (-3)
10Kim Garrity-Matthews
Steve Matthews
5757 (-3)
12Elise V
Patrick Montague
5858 (-2)
Greg Dowdell
5959 (-1)
13DJ Hosley
Lizzy Marquis
5959 (-1)
15Aubrey Violet
Pete Violet
6363 (+3)
16Caroline McCauley
Matthew McKay
6464 (+4)
17Aiden Glennon
Callie Hoadley
6969 (+9)
18Ally Knight
John Glennon
7070 (+10)
19August Lee-Kovach
Martin Kovach
9999 (+39)
19Dean Chapman
Jessica Chapman
9999 (+39)
Mixed Novice
Round 1: Dacey Fields - Main Course White Tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Greg Peterson
Hazelnut Turner
4040 (-14)$50
2Emily Heidlauf
Peter Heidlauf
4545 (-9)$30
3Adam Corsi
Dana Widstrand
4747 (-7)$25
4Alicia Baker
Chuck Tammaro
4848 (-6)
5Kirmie MacKenzie
Victor Hurtuk
4949 (-5)
6Carlos Alvarado
Jenny D
5151 (-3)
7Oksana Cabral
Timothy Cabral
6565 (+11)
8Jason Chrisos
Katelyn Foppe
9999 (+45)
Mixed Pro
Round 1: Dacey Fields - Main Course Blue Tees (Long), 18 holes, par 60
1Rose Shertick
Shane Wyatt
4545 (-15)$85
2Ali Cavanaugh
Samuel Henderson
4747 (-13)$55
3Alex Vigeant
Brittany Bergquist
4949 (-11)$20
3Bob Kulchuk
Chantal Gipson
4949 (-11)$20
5Alex Sakash
Kelly Meisner
5454 (-6)
6Emily Hanson
Jerel Davis
5656 (-4)
Women Am
Round 1: Dacey Fields - Main Course Blue Tees (Long), 18 holes, par 60
1Katie Jenkins
Nicole Graf
5959 (-1)$40
2Megan Cango
Lisa Kinsman
7474 (+14)
Women Novice
Round 1: Dacey Fields - Main Course White Tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Megan Carpenter
Muneera Patton
5454 (E)$30
2Erin Curboy
Miranda Weeks
6363 (+9)
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