DGVT PDGA Flex League 2.0/#2

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at Smugglers' Notch Resort in Jeffersonvile, Vermont
Disc golf singles tournament

DGVT PDGA Flex League 2.0/#2 graphic
Added cash $100

About this tournament

DGVT PDGA Flex League 2.0/#2
July 16,2024
Presented by Pine Grove Organics, Gram Central & Waterbury Sports
PDGA sanctioned Flex-start league
Smugglers Notch DG Center
TD: Chris Young

Entry fees:
Smuggs members: $15
Non-Smuggs members: $20 ( $5 Greens Fee)

If weather is really bad we will decide on Mondays to move league to Thursday on any given week

** All players must make a tee time and start on time so that we do not have backups and all players can have an enjoyable experience.


Looking for a group? : Check the "Smuggs Disc Golf league pair up page" on Facebook .

NO REFUNDS after Mondays at 10pm. If weather is a factor we apologize but as you know mother nature is un predictable sometimes.

1 person on each card is REQUIRED to make a tee time. To help organize and not have a bunch of league cards backed up you must make a tee time with the DG Center. We have 4:20-5:30 reserved for league players to call and make a tee time. Organize amongst yourselves and be considerate of other league players and please make a tee time, I will be keeping an eye on this.

This will be 2 seperate leagues. League 1.0 will run May 14th-July 2nd and League 2.0 will run July 9th-August 27th. Players are more then welcome to play in 1 or both leagues.

Acepot: $1 per player per week will go to the acepot. Hit an ace and get paid! $336 rollover from Weeks 1-9 of Leagues.

Trophies: The top player in each division with the most points at the end of each 8 week session will win a trophy. Points will be tracked by the PDGA. Must play in a minimum of 5 of 8 league nights in the same division to qualify for a trophy. Points accumulate weekly, so if you hit all 8 weeks you have the best chance to win your division!

ALL PLAYERS MUST CHECK IN WITH DGVT BEFORE TEEING and must register on dgscene before the round begins. DGVT will be on site outsdie the Smuggs Pro Shop. Players must also let the TD know before they tee off if they are changing divisions so that I can make that change on the back end. Division changes are allowed this year day of as long as they are made BEFORE you tee by letting me know.

$11 per week goes to payouts. $1 per player goes to acepot. $1per player to PDGA. $2 per player to DGVT. Pros play for cash ( paypal payouts) and Amateurs play for DGVT Merchandise Buks. . Pros can expect payouts to be sent within 48 hours and Amateurs will have a payout on file with DGVT and can be used anytime before the end of 2024. We will payout the top 25% of each division each week.

Thanks to our sponsors, Pine Grove Organics and Gram Central we will be adding $100 per week to the Pro purse! We will also be giving away weekly gift cards to the Amateur divisions thanks to our sponsors at Waterbury Sports!

We will be using a mix of tees at Brewster Ridge ( Golds and Blues) and Fox Run Meadows (Golds,Blue,Whites).

League 2.0/#2 Course/Tees: Brewster Ridge.
MPO: Gold tees
All other Divisions: Blue tees

Out of Bounds notes can be found on the PDGA Live digital scorecard. This is the official OB. Do not refer to tee signs.

You do not need to be a PDGA member to play. If you are a PDGA member you will get a rated round and earn PDGA points for invites to majors and also league points will be awarded weekly. Note that PDGA ratings do not get added to a players rating until the league has been completed.

There MUST be a minimum of 3 league players per card. Organize with friends and if you are single player interested in playing you can post on the DGVT FB page and put a call out to join a group ( FB page is : Smuggs disc golf league pair up page) or come out to Smuggs between 4:30-5:15 when many of our league players arrive. Non-league players are NOT allowed to play on your card. Smuggs has set aside a block of tee times between 4:20-5:30 each week for league play only. You MUST call Smuggs and schedule a weekly tee time.

PDGA Digital scoring will be used for this league. Same code each week, if you are registered and need the code text Chris @ 802-881-3467. Make sure you select the correct division of the players you are adding to the scorecard. Some players play in multiple divisons throughout the season, so keep score for the division they selected that week when setting up the scorecard.

Code: dgvtleague2

PDGA league rules state that players are allowed to have an alcoholic beverage during league play if the facility is ok with this, so we ask that everyone behave appropriately and act responsibly and have a good time.

DGVT will be on site to help with any questions, live scoring and any other league items.

Refund policy

Disc Golf Vermont is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. PDGA refund policy will be followed.


Final Results

1James Cairn5065------115$48
2Shane Seals5768------125
3Dana Carpenter6268------130
4Justin Burklow5972------131
5Whit Stephenson-62------62$90
6Kyle Sawtelle-76------76
7Aidan Trombley-77------77
8Jacob Decatur-999------999
1Brian Hunter5568------123$40
2Chris Young5469------123
3Michael Wenzel5768------125$40
4Adam Haight6768------135$40
5Justin Devico55-------55
5Tom Raub55-------55
7Matthew Martell69-------69
8Dave Carter56999------1055
9Jeremy Becker60999------1059
10Jeff Milchen-999------999
1Kelly Heslin6965------134$18
2Maureen McGuinness72-------72
1Seth McQuade5962------121$44
2Russell Freeman5372------125
3Steven Colbert6675------141
4Seth Crevison54-------54
5Nate Horlick58-------58
6Everett Secor59-------59
7David Oppenheimer64-------64
8Jack McCarthy54999------1053
1Will Cleland6565------130$80
2Alex Emery6876------144$41
3Ross King60-------60
4Greg Hearn61-------61
5Randall Bishop68-------68
6Dan Cook74-------74
6Frankie Martell74-------74
8Ryan Scinto77-------77
9Connor Gross-81------81
10Alex Gambero82-------82
11Tristan Bryce57999------1056
12Trevor Bryce61999------1060
12Landon Desroches61999------1060
12Ian Martin61999------1060
15Tom Bousquet66999------1065
16Brandon Bensel-999------999
16Dan Jacques-999------999
16Thomas Limanek-999------999
1Emily Bishop81-------81
2Kayla Neumeister84-------84
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