
DGPT Elite - TruBank Des Moines Challenge Presented by Discraft

Disc Golf Pro Tour · Fri-Sun, Jun 23-25, 2023Jun 2023 · Indianola, IA

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Kurt Stodola I am probably going to be caddying for a pro all weekend and just need to know how I get in when I get there and is there anything I need to fill out or anything and do I get a spectator pass to watch when I’m not carrying? Jun 19, 2023
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Kurt Stodola Jun 20, 2023 I am the caddy - so can the pro player put my badge up at parking lot attendants? Also, during my down time and not caddying, does this gain me a spectator pass or am I able to watch play or no?
Ty Tannatt Jun 20, 2023 They could leave it with the spectator checkin attendants. You will need to park in the spectator checkin area. Yes, you can spectate other cards when not caddying.
Kurt Stodola Jun 20, 2023 Sweet
Nick Hanson Hey Ty, will open FPO spots be moved to MPO spots? Jun 19, 2023
Ty Tannatt Jun 19, 2023 Hi Nick, no they will not be moved to MPO.
Emma Arp i know registration is closed on DGS but Ian it at all possible for an FPO player to still get in since there’s 11 open spots? Jun 18, 2023
Ty Tannatt Jun 18, 2023 Do you want to sign up? Yes, we can still add players
brett stetson Not sure if this is the place to ask, but I went to withdraw and it's only saying it will withdraw $10 and I've paid in full. May 31, 2023
Ty Tannatt May 31, 2023 Hi Brett, if you request a refund you will get $340. $10 will be withdrawn from your refund. There is a $10 processing fee for all refunds.
brett stetson May 31, 2023
Ty, on the withdraw page it is saying maximum refund is $10, I could go ahead and do that, but I don ... show more ›
Ty Tannatt Jun 1, 2023 IDK where or how you are seeing that. As I mentioned, if you request a refund you will get $340.
Jared Stoll How long does the 2 winners of the regional qualifier spots have to determine if they want to except the spot or let the spot go to the next player? May 29, 2023
Ty Tannatt May 29, 2023 Hi Jared, we are going to give the winners to Friday to decide if they are taking the spot or not.
Ty Tannatt Monday Qualifier Registration is open and can be found at Mar 12, 2023
Axel Olson Will there be a wait-list for MPO? Feb 11, 2023
Brian Cole Feb 11, 2023 Yes! It should appear when you choose the MPO division from the drop down box when you are registering.
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