DGOD! ICE BOWL @ Hornings Hideout

Saturday, January 7, 2012 at Horning's Hideout in North Plains, Oregon
Disc golf singles tournament

DGOD! ICE BOWL @ Hornings Hideout graphic

About this tournament

The DGOD! ICE BOWL 2012 @ Hornings Hideout
January 7th 2012

Registration Open here: http://discgolfordie.net/dgod_events

... Sign in @ 9am. Tee off @ 10am.
You will be able to choose the course you want to play during sign in: Highlands, Canyon, or Meadow Ridge.

This event, like all Ice Bowls, is a FOOD DRIVE and Fundraiser to help feed the hungry. PLEASE BRING CANNED FOOD!

Multiple player pack options. Including Hoodies and full color Discs.

Come challenge last years "Chili Champion" in the chili cook-off! We will have power outlets set up for crock-pots etc.

All prices include Hornings Fee. As low as $10 to Register!

Registration Open here: http://discgolfordie.net/dgod_events


Horning's Hideout
North Plains, OR   Get Directions


Final Results

Round 1: Horning's Hideout - Meadow Ridge Regular tees, 18 holes, par 59
1Mark Lawrence6060
2Carson Wilson6161
2David Smith6161
4Travi Head6262
5Kermie Maldonado6363
5Tom Ferrell6363
7Dusty Atkins6464
7Luis Nava6464
9Jason Lewis6565
9Nate Salvon6565
9Xander Waibel6565
12Josh Petit6666
12Mike Medlock6666
14Logan Miller6767
14Myk Nemeth6767
16Cody Fuller6868
17Eric Johanson6868
18Zach Beltz6969
20Andrew Nava7171
20John Stach7171
22Drew Moyer7272
23Ned Blaisdale7373
24Broando Mueller7474
24Mat Owens7474
24Steve Sines7474
27Collin Wright7575
28Mike Myers7676
29Brett Finnel7676
29Larry Batchelor7676
32Brea Kwan7777
33Bo Hicks7878
33David Babuka7878
36Michael Grummert9494
Round 1: Horning's Hideout - Canyon Course Regular tees, 18 holes, par 56
1Sam Gibson5252
2Chris Graham5454
2Mike Trask5454
4Roy Cuellor5555
5Tim Stone5858
6Mike Anderson5959
6Mike Blair5959
8Jason Getz6060
9Chris Schaich6161
9Patrick Belew6161
11Bruce Greer6262
11Marko Kolias6262
13Brian Grey6363
13Kris Johnson6363
13Mike Valente6363
16Gawain Stern6464
16George Adams6464
18Chuck Taber6767
19Bob Cabal6969
19Dennis Maroni6969
21David Ward7070
Round 1: Horning's Hideout - Canyon Course Regular tees, 18 holes, par 56
1David Waters5353
2Andy V.5454
2Matt Uhacz5454
2Ryan Flattery5454
5Chavis Heath5656
5Danny Brown Jr.5656
5Kenny Hall5656
5Mike Gordon5656
5Nick Klemenhagen5656
10Dan Guill5858
10Frankie Baltierez5858
10Jacob Pottratz5858
10Joe Winn5858
10Jordan Tardie5858
10Mike Forney5858
16Brandon Johnson5959
16Matt Hylton5959
16Vince Epker5959
19Alvin Natarte6060
19Charlie Tellessen6060
19Daniel Quinton6060
19Tom Mocerino6060
23Shay Courvillie6161
23Zac Conway6161
25Charlie Wasenmiller6262
25Craig Robinson6262
25Daniel Rosas6262
25Harrison Hogan6262
25Jeff Torrence6262
25Jon Mannon6262
31Chris Allen6363
31Justin Gaston6363
33Andrew MacAusland6464
33Chris "Big Dog"6464
33Kevin Davis6464
33Nigel Rutiliano6464
33Sean Harris6464
33Shaun Woods6464
39Andy Mann6565
39Fritz Henn6565
41Chris Crill6666
41Jay Kobel6666
43Daniel Chambliss6767
43Josh Dearing6767
43Nick Johnson6767
43Tyler Williams6767
47Bryant Johnson6868
47Joe Gorecki6868
49Jake Dills6969
50Kevin Rivera7171
51Josh Pitt7474
52Shaun Jordan8585
Round 1: Horning's Hideout - The Highlands Regular tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Josh Marcella4646
2Breat Bissett4747
3Kris Jones4949
3Mark Hedden4949
5Leo Defferdind5050
6Jerry Kirkland5151
7Mark Johanson5252
8Kevin O'conner5555
9Allen Towne5656
Round 1: Horning's Hideout - Canyon Course Regular tees, 18 holes, par 56
1Erin Reichel6262
2Becky Terrill6464
3Lacey Lasley6666
4Courtney Williams7070
5Heather Quinton7171
5Jackie Halstead7171
7Vanessa Blaisdell7575
8Michelle Sawyer7676
9Jaimee Sauvageau7777
9Jen Barajas7777
Round 1: Horning's Hideout - The Highlands Regular tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Asha Gregory5656
2Caprice Johnson6060
3Tosha Mirich6464
4Samantha McClain6565
Round 1: Horning's Hideout - The Highlands Regular tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Luke Guill6464
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