DGLA Oregon State Championship
Comments 29 following
About this tournament
Rick Saffeels Sticky February 17, 2015 at 7:56am
Register on http://www.4discgolf.com/15DGLA ONLY! Thanks and if you have any questions, please email me or message me. [email redacted]
Dan Willis May 27, 2015 at 8:41pm
Just wondering if disc were ever retrieved from water hazards. I am particularly curious about hole 3 on the short course.
awesome, legacy pinnacle cannon with my name and number on it.
Soracharn Vann May 19, 2015 at 2:52am
Was there poison ivy out in the brush on theses holes? My legs are both all spotted up and itchy. Just wondering if I was the only one with this issue.
They climb all over and kinda burrow. I had pants on and they still managed to bite me high up on my legs.
Same with me. They were at the lake when we set up the baskets on Friday and they were biting us so much that we had to go back to the club house. Take a 24 hour allergy pill and the itching has gone away for me. Also shower in lukewarm to cold shower to reduce itching with having contact with water.
I am all bit up and I even used off. I got home and I was like holly bug buffet
Rick Saffeels May 18, 2015 at 12:16pm
SCORES ARE NOW POSTED :) Good night :)
Shorty Ogden-Moles May 18, 2015 at 8:15am
Thank you Rick, Elkhorn Golf Course, and all the Volunteers. It was a great tournament that tested all your skills. There were some hiccups but I think that could be cured by doing a questionnaire to help with future events. My personal experience it was a great tournament and I appreciate everyone that was involved.
I don't think there is a questionnaire made at this time but is good idea that Rick and I can discuss. I know there were couple issues we can learn from and improve on. We are open to all constructive comments and suggestions as we only want things to get better for all of us. Lots of work b ... more
Steve, the only thing I thought was a hiccup was maybe start sign in earlier so that your not rushed. On long courses like this one maybe have a driver to drive those players to those holes. they did it in the last tournament I was in and it was really affective. next is as score cards are being han ... more
Rick Saffeels May 17, 2015 at 8:43pm
Thank again for the almost hundreds of volunteers that went into making this event what it was! Scores cannot be posted yet because my computer was left at Elkhorn without the charger and Scores were not put in last night as you all know that there was no wifi. I will try to get it back as soon as possibly so thank you for your patience (As a B-Tier event there is up to 2 weeks to submit scores but I will not make you wait that long don't worry).
Lee, I'm sure Rick had a dedicated team of volunteers behind him, just as Steven and I do.
Marcus Steel May 17, 2015 at 8:14pm
Did anyone hear of any 4's on that 1500 foot hole? I blasted 3 perfect drives (for me), threw an upshot that went 35 past and then hit my comeback putt for a 5 and felt like that 5 was an accomplishment.
Thanks it felt great because it was a little intimidating.
Thanks Kalib, it was fun being on a card with you...hopefully we will be on the same card again!
Zac Teuscher May 17, 2015 at 9:33am
Post up what discs you lost and about where it was.
Going out this week to try and find my SEVEN discs and I'll find all else I can.
Can anyone beat 7? Should be a prize for that lol
Have six found discs currently.
Only a red one has no name.. can you describe it more? Lmk
call the rest of you tomorrow
hope everyone had a good time!
I lost a blue and green vibram obex on hole 3 of the blue course in the water. Name and # are on the back.
Red course, 6th hole, Blue Hatchet in the water just a bit before the basket. Has my name and number on it I think. There were several other discs in there that I could see as well.
Lost a red Prodigy F7 of to the left of 9 on the Blue Name and # on it
Tyler Franklin May 16, 2015 at 4:18pm
I stayed with a buddy in lyons about 10 min from elkhorn and its been raining ALL night long. Bring plenty of dry socks as im sure the course will be verry saturated. See yall soon.
Rick Saffeels May 16, 2015 at 10:47am
One Innova Discs or Gateway discs, $5 for extra gateway putter, everyone will get towels, pencils, and course photo map. 100 Glow minis and 100 patches for $4 each ($1 off from players packs). $15 greens fee and players packs I only took out $16. (valued at $28 but then payouts would be really small so I did the field a favor). No player packs for pros but they still get a free Kind Bar and pencil, and course map, and playing for cash and Trophies. Thanks and see you soon!
Cooper Axe May 16, 2015 at 8:51am
Will we be able to purchase additional players pack discs? If so, can I use a credit card?
Yes after registration disc will be for sale and credit card available :)
Jennie Cartwright May 16, 2015 at 8:03am
If anyone has an extra stool that they wouldn't mind lending someone for the day, please let me know! Kara Gordon, one of the advanced masters ladies, is staying in Salem tonight and forgot hers at home in Portland. She's got a bad ankle so it would be greatly appreciated if we can help her out!
Mr. Snap May 16, 2015 at 7:32am
well everyone else has said it...and I'll have to as well....SOOOO PUMPED FOR THIS SUPER SICK EVENT!......two 18 holes courses on an amazing ball golf course in one grand event....eat your heart out Michigan!.....and of course....WAY TO MAKE THIS ALL HAPPEN RICKSTER!....see y'all on the green ;)
Jordan yent May 15, 2015 at 10:41pm
Just wondering out of excitement and anticipation, is there going to be a lot of OB?
usually all ball golf putting greens and walking trails and of course water are OB....definitely way more than a normal dg course
there is a ton of OB! sand traps, all cart paths, ponds, ravines... etc. played Blue Lake? think that lol
Ivan Burford May 15, 2015 at 8:30pm
Is it too late to make glow dubs happen tonight? That woulda been sweet to set up! Bearing in mind Elkhorn would allow it...
I don't see why there would be, we would ask that they understand about staying out of player's way and all. Going to be a lot more disc golfers tomorrow then their typical golf day
I talked to Tony about spectators and you can come for just $2!!!
Buck "Yeah!" Rich May 14, 2015 at 9:07pm
Only 2 days to go. I'm so pumped about this Tournament. Thanks Rick for making this grand event take place. The disc golf community in this area is very strong thanks to people like you. See you out there!!
It should be a wonderful day and opportunity for all involved and playing. It's been my pleasure to be part of it and tomorrow afternoon will be busy setting course while golf tournement going on. My map work is done for the layout and health slowly coming back after ER visit last weekend and being replenished by IV tubes. It's all good, just really slow this week. Cya
Rick Saffeels May 13, 2015 at 8:33pm
THERE ARE only 7 Maple Hill Open Vibram Specialty discs but they messed up on the print so they will arrive next week (ordered them in February)
frown emoticon
If you would like to order one they will be $20 (free shipping). Picture to come. Thanks!
So I asked Steve Dodge from Vibram and he told me and I quote, "I don't have a picture for you at this time..." meaning...they aren't done yet :(
ima have to have one of them...to send to hawaii... hate to say it but beaver colors if there is one?
Cooper Axe May 13, 2015 at 6:36pm
Hey rick. I just got my pdga number. Is there any way that you can link it into the tournament so it can count on the pdga website? My number is 75268
Rick Saffeels May 12, 2015 at 8:20am
We just had a Advanced Grandmaster drop out. There is now 1 opening in MPO, MM1, MG1, FPO, FA1, or MA3. First come, first serve.
It is filled now. Advanced filled 2 weeks ago and is not on this list of available spots (MA1). Sorry to inform you.
Rick Saffeels May 12, 2015 at 5:24am
Subway is our tournament catered sponsor and lunch will be only $6 for a build-your own sandwich, cookie, and drink! Elkhorn will also have refreshments on the course while playing and by the club house. Thanks again!
Ham, Club, Turkey on white, wheat, and mixed. Cookies are assorted and will be fresh! There will be enough for all. Stayton Pizza will also be provided by Figaro's if you get me a type of pizza by Wednesday. Thanks!
They will be contacting me with a box of discs that they have found. Thanks!