The Cypress Stomp is a 2 round tournament at Trap Pond State Park. Round 1 will be long tees to long baskets, round 2 will be short tees to long baskets. Awards will be after the 2nd round, cash for pros (handled via paypal) and prizes am divisions. Am players will also receive a 1 disc player's pack. In addition to the $2 per person pdga fee an additional $1 per person will be held to cover sanctioning fees. Divisions will need 4 or more players unless at the TDs discretion.
All scoring will be done on the PDGA scoring app.
While at tournament central for check in, players pack pick up, awards players and staff MUST wear a face mask. This tournament will be following all DE State Park requirements - Those kindergarten age or older must bring face coverings with them to enter a park and wear them when they cannot maintain social distancing from other visitors, such as in bathhouses, park offices, concession buildings, boat docks, and on trails and paths where others are present. Rangers or park staff may require those who do not bring face masks to leave. If you are feeling sick, stay home.
Any refunds MUST be made by going to players, withdraw and following the prompts. Please do not post refund comments or send direct emails to the TD regarding refunds.