College Disc Golf South Central Conference Event #1: Battle at the Beast

PDGA XC-tier

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Hosted by Texas A&M Disc Golf Club

Part of South Central College Disc Conference


  • Sun
    Oct 29

    8:00am - 8:30am

    Player Check-In and Player Pack Pick Up at Gazebo/Pavillion by hole 2's basket.

    8:30am - 8:45am

    Quick player's meeting. Meet at Gazebo/Pavillion by hole 2's basket

    9:00am - 12:30pm

    Round 1 - Singles
    Two minutes warning at 8:58, no more throws.

    12:30pm - 1:45pm

    Time for lunch will start after the last card comes in and will last for 75 minutes. 12:30 PM is the estimate. Exact time will be announced in the South Central Conference GroupMe.

    1:45pm - 5:00pm

    Round 2 - Teams
    Round of Even, Odd Best Shot Alternate Team Doubles for MA1, or best shot doubles for FA1.


MA1 Mixed Am 1 $27 / player
FA1 Women's Am 1 $27 / player

About this tournament


This will be the first event of the South Central College Disc Golf Conference. It will be a one-day PDGA sanctioned event and will consist of:
- 1 Round of Singles at the BEAST
- Followed by 1 Round of College Disc Golf Team Even/Odd Best Shot Alternate Doubles at the BEAST for Mixed division. 1 Round of Best-Shot doubles for women's division. See for a more in-depth explanation of the format.

-Mixed teams will consist of 4 people. Women are eligible to play on the mixed teams of four if they want. If they do, then they must play in the MA1 division in the singles round, rather than the women's division.
- Women's teams consist of two people
-If a mixed division team has less than four people, then they will receive the worst singles score +5 strokes for their 3rd or fourth individual score to average into their team singles score depending on how many people short they are. Additionally, during the team round for one of their pairs they will only get one throw rather than two if they are missing one player and will have to take that shot. If they are two players short, then each "pair" will only consist of one person and they will essentially play even odd alternating doubles, rather than even odd pair best shot alternating doubles. They cannot both shoot on every shot. They have to split where one shoots even and one shoots odd and then alternate.
-If a women's division team has less than two people, then they will receive the worst singles score +5 strokes for their second individual score to average into their team singles score. Additionally, for the team round they will only get one shot per hole and will essentially be playing another singles round as their team round. They do NOT get two shots per hole if they are short a person.

- Cost is $27 per person and covers PDGA sanctioning fee, player's pack disc cost, and conference final trophy fee.
-Make sure to hit add registrant if you want to register all players at the same time for a team.

Player's Pack:
-Each player will receive a custom Mint player's pack disc with the Conference Logo on it
-Beast Longs for Mixed Division for both team and singles round
-Beast Shorts for Women's Division for both team and singles round.

Please register as teams of four for the mixed division. You may sign up as many teams of four as you wish. Please register players for the women's division as teams of two or one. Women's teams typically consist of two people but can be played as teams of one, there is just a slight disadvantage in the team scores and team round.

All singles rounds will count towards the overall team score. Singles scores from each player on a team will be averaged and rounded to the nearest whole number (.5 and .75 round up, .25 rounds down). These scores will be added to the scores from team rounds for the team's scoring total. Teams will be placed based on overall team's scoring total from both singles and team round.

Conference Series Format:
-There will be four conference events before the Conference Final
-You must qualify in order to be eligible to complete at the Conference Final
-The Conference Final will award very nice custom-made trophies to the winning team and a custom-made trophy to the winning individual in the singles round
- The Conference Final will be played at Park Hudson in College Station on 3/23/2023.

Conference Series Qualification:

Team Championship Qualification:
-The top 3 placing teams from each conference event will qualify, giving a total of 12 qualifying teams for the conference championship. If a team has already qualified from a previous event, and they finish in the top 3 of another conference event, then the qualifying bid will go the next highest placing team that has not qualified. There must be a minimum of 2 people that are not part of a qualifying team to make that particular team eligible to qualify. I.e. you cannot have your A team that already qualified swap one person out for someone else on your B team and use that "new" A team to qualify for an event. The team you enter for the conference championship can be different than the initial team used for qualification as long as the people on the team are eligible college disc golf players from your school. They do not have to be the exact individuals/team who qualified for the conference championship.
- Women's division teams do not need to qualify for the final.

Singles Championship Qualification
- All individuals on a team with an eligible bid that has registered for the conference championship will be eligible to participate in the singles conference championship.
- The top 3 individuals from each conference event qualify for the singles championship final. If a person's team has already qualified for the conference championship, then they have already qualified for the singles conference championship and their bid goes to the next eligible person. An individual must place in 10th place or higher to be eligible to qualify for the singles final. I.e. if a person places in 11th place, and all people ahead of them have already qualified for the singles championship (either via their team or individually), they will still NOT qualify.
-Women's division players do not need to qualify for the finale

Refund policy

Texas A&M Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.