College Disc Golf Rocky Mountain Regional Conference Championships

PDGA XC-tier · Amateur

Sat-Sun, December 3-4, 2022

Hosted by College Disc Golf Rocky Mountain Conference


  • Fri
    Dec 2

    1:00pm - 4:00pm

    BYU "Sunday" team doubles round. Shotgun start on two different holes.

  • Sat
    Dec 3

    8:30am - 11:30am

    Team doubles, shotgun start

    1:00pm - 4:00pm

    Singles round, shotgun start

  • Sun
    Dec 4

    8:30am - 11:30am

    Final team doubles round


    Awards ceremony


GOLD gold sponsor $200 / team
SILV silver sponsor $100 / team
BRON bronze sponsor $50 / team
GEN General $100 / team

About this tournament

Welcome to the College Disc Golf Rocky Mountain Conference Regional Championships!

College men’s teams will consist of four players. Collegiate women’s teams will consist of two players.

We will be playing two rounds on Saturday. Team doubles will be in the morning and singles in the afternoon. There will be a final team doubles round on Sunday. BYU teams will play their Sunday team doubles on Friday.

Divisions are:
College Men’s: MA1
College Women’s: FA1

Player packs are minimal as we are trying to keep costs down. However, every player will receive a Rocky Mountain Conference custom disc. Registration includes course fees for two days (Sat-Sun for most, Fri-Sat for BYU). Practice rounds on Friday are free!

Course Notes: Over all Fences OB, On or Beyond Sidewalk OB, Road and Beyond OB. 2 Meter relief from fences with barb wire on top. Any Standing water you can take casual relief.

Hole Pin Distance Par
1 Short 260 3
2 Long 290 3
3 Middle 395 3
4 Short 295 3
5 Short 355 3
6 Short 295 3
7 Regular 225 3
8 Short 305 3
9 Short 315 3
10 Short 330 3
11 Regular 380 3
12 Regular 220 3
13 Regular 760 4
14 Regular 390 3
15 Regular 360 3
16 Regular 755 4
17 Short 380 3
18 Regular 445 3
Total. 6835 56

HOLE SPECIFIC RULES: These rules are what we are following, Tee signs may not match THESE rules

Hole 1: Flower Planter is OB defined by concrete surrounding trim. Brick lined walkway on the left defines Sidewalk OB. Walking paths in the middle of the fairway are safe.

Hole 8 and 9: Beyond Ditch OB: In Ditch is safe on BOTH HOLES, beyond is fully Surrounded by grass beyond the Ditch. Special Rule 2 Meter Relief from the right side of the ditch.

*Subject to review depending on the amount of snow on the course Friday: A decision will be made prior to Friday at 1pm

Hole 9: Brick wall on left and beyond OB, Flower planter in fairway is OB defined by concrete surrounding trim

Hole 10: Beyond Yellow Chain Walkway Fence OB

Hole 13: Mandatory Left of Marked 1st Tree on right, in front of the tee pad. DZ if missed directly to the left of the Tree.

Hole 15: Wait until Hole 16 is walking up the fairway or paying attention to your group throwing.

Hole 18: Beyond Yellow Chain Walkway Fence OB

Playoffs for first place will be solved immediately after the last card is turned in.

Questions? Ask them now, not at the event! Send those to

Refund policy

College Disc Golf Rocky Mountain Conference is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. We will be following PDGA guidelines regarding refund requests.