Clubhouse Clash 2021 presented by Innova

PDGA logoSat-Sun, July 31-August 1, 2021 at Wildhorse Golf Club in Henderson, Nevada
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Clubhouse Clash 2021 presented by Innova graphic


Tournament DirectorRick Mabbatt
Assistant TDJeff Jacquart
AsSISTAnt TDMichelle Berger

About this tournament

Welcome to the Clubhouse Clash 2021.

NEW Info

Triple Island CTP: for a Zucca Cart Valued at $300(donated by Lucky Disc Golf)

Free Players Concert Saturday Night At the players party, Fun Games and
Catfish John, Live in the banquet room.

This B-Tier tournament will be held on the grounds of the Wildhorse Golf Course, home of the Las Vegas Challenge. This two day event will have you playing 27 holes per day, on the same holes you have enjoyed at the LVC. Each round will be played via tee times, only this tournament will have carts available to all players!!

Year three of this challenging event will test your skill and your stamina as you battle the best players in the southwest region. The Las Vegas Disc Golf Club is throwing down the gauntlet in the West! Which club out there travels the best, and supports their home the best. Are you in Arizona? Utah? California? Idaho? Oregon?Come prove it! Who's gonna be your tournament Champ?

The event directors would like players to represent their home club, by repping their local gear, showing their home course some love, and showing the diversity of our sport. Rumor has it that the clubs with the best representation will get a little something extra during the awards ceremony. So be sure to represent!!

Again this will be an event like few others. Wildhorse has generously agreed to suspend all golf operation, and give the facility over to the disc golf community for the weekend. The environment and amenities will be unlike any other B-Tier event.
So get registered and we'll see you in August...just bring some sunscreen.

Note that FA3 only play 18 holes due to difficulty of course layout.

Practice play starts after 1 PM on Friday, July 30th. Practice play is free after check-in, and carts are available for rent for $30 ($15 per person).

Also note that $25 of each entry is a greens fee.

Refund policy

Las Vegas Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.
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