
Chics with Discs

PDGA C-tier · Sat, May 12, 2012May 2012 · Hudson, OH

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Jon DeCapua do you need more Dudes with Discs as propogator's? what times would i have to be there? two rounds or just one? it is mother's day weekend but i could see what i can do.

also won't be at scrambles tomorrow, just got tickets to the tribe game. so no donated money by me!
May 7, 2012
Katie Meloy @ Randy-they are updating the PDGA website all the time. If you want to PM me her info I'll add her on here. May 6, 2012
Randy Allen I registered my 13 year old daughter, Michaela Allen on Thursday, and haven't seen her on any lists. Is there anything else I need to do?
May 6, 2012
Katie Meloy
Attention Ladies: If you were on the fence before, let it be known that everyone will still be getting a player's pack if they participate in this event. You have until May 4th to register ... show more ›
Apr 27, 2012
Katie Meloy Don't miss out on the player's pack!!
Last week to register and be eligible to receive one. Registration will remain open for the event.
Apr 9, 2012
Katie Meloy Think we may still be in need of a few boys rated above 800. If you're not doing anything this weekend and can spare yourself to play 2 rounds I would really appreciate it. Apr 6, 2012
Katie Meloy ATTENTION LADIES!!!!!!!! As of today, there are only 4 ladies including myself registered for this event. If you want to ensure that you receive a player's pack you must be pre-registered by April 15th. Please make sure if you haven't done so already you do. I would hate for anyone to miss out!! Apr 3, 2012
Brian Parsons Andrea Parsons 40033 adv Mar 25, 2012
Katie Meloy Thanks Stoney :) Mar 19, 2012
Michael Stonestreet If there aren't any other tourneys going on, I will be more than happy to play, and maybe Mikey too, both of us are over 800 rated. Mar 16, 2012
Katie Meloy Reminder to the ladies who are playing... You need to pre-register through the PDGA in order to make sure that you receive a player's pack. This must be done by April 15th. Mar 16, 2012
Katie Meloy You're disgusting. Are you willing to play as a propogator? Your hair is long enough for you to pass as a female.. haha Mar 14, 2012
Jon DeCapua the name of this tourny is disgusting. Mar 14, 2012
Katie Meloy Here is the official link to the event sign up on the PDGA website.
Mar 14, 2012
Katie Meloy
Attention ladies: I have registered this event with the PDGA but it is not showing up on the registration page. You are still able to pre-register without selecting the event you will be playing. You ... show more ›
Mar 13, 2012
Katie Meloy I'll check on that, thanks Kevin :) Mar 13, 2012
Kevin Trepal I was down at Portage Lakes yesterday and I must have seen at least 4 or 5 girls chuckin some discs. You should throw a flier up on their board... Mar 13, 2012
Katie Meloy
I just registered the event through the PDGA website. Once it gets updated everyone should register through it so that they ensure they get a player's pack. PK, I listed myself as TD mainly because th ... show more ›
Mar 12, 2012
Cora Lochotzki Cora Lochotzki Recreational no pdga number Mar 12, 2012
PK Deaner Hey Claire Deaner INT no pdga number and I will be an official. Just let me know.. 925 rated # 17076 PDGA
Certified Official.
Mar 12, 2012
Kevin Trepal haha, nice title Feb 25, 2012
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