Welcome to the Chesaning Exhibition
We will be playing 18 Holes at Showboat park
EVERY DIVISION IS BEING OFFERED. All Pro fields are the same price, all age protected AM div are the same as MA1. If you would like to compete in division currently not listed, please sign up for a qualifying division, and comment what division you would compete in. I will change it, and open it up for others. These are just the common divisions
We will be following PDGA rules and regulations for this event.
OBs- River on any Hole, Inside Ballfield Course wide
Hole 9 will be decided closer to the event if it is long or short basket. We will use the tee pad in either situation. Hole 11 will also be decided day of if basket is on hill or not.
Hole 1- OB Road/over, Normal OB rules apply
Hole 2- Island, DZ for any OB drives
Hole 3- Hazard, on/across path(short of river), River OB
Hole 4- Road OB DZ for any OB drives
Hole 5- Hazard, on/across path(short of river), River OB
Hole 6- River OB
Hole 7- Hazard, on/across path(short of river), River OB
Hole 8- OB Road/over, Ballfield
Hole 9- River OB, DZ for any OB drives
Hole 10- OB Road/over. Parking lot entrance NOT OB
Hole 11- OB Swamp
Hole 13- OB River
Hole 14- OB River
Hole 15- OB River
Hole 16- OB River
Hole 17- Hazard Road/Over, OB River
Hole 18- OB Ballfield, Road/Over(long of basket)
Pros will receive all payouts as PayPal. Any cash prizes(CTPs, Ace Pool, 50-50) will also be paid as PayPal
All AM divs will receive a code for
www.GreatLakesDisc.com to spend their payout funds.
50-50 Hole 3
Ace Pool CTP Hole 7
Yes Donovan, Walk Ups accepted until 8:30 so I can make cards for any/all walk ups