Charlie Vettiner Open Flex 2
About this tournament
Flex Start C-Tier before Charlie Vettiner Open A-Tier coming in September 2023!
Code is CV2
Shorts layout
Tee time from 9am to 3pm
Can start when you have your group of 3 or 4
Ams receive 1 disc from Innova,Discraft,Prodigy,Dynamic Discs or MVP from inventory or a $18 voucher
Lone Star in route!
Pros will receive PayPal payment
Am will receive a payouts voucher towards
Heartland Discount code does apply
Does count towards heartland standings
Flex 3 - August 20 (Ryans)
Code is CV2
Shorts layout
Tee time from 9am to 3pm
Can start when you have your group of 3 or 4
Ams receive 1 disc from Innova,Discraft,Prodigy,Dynamic Discs or MVP from inventory or a $18 voucher
Lone Star in route!
Pros will receive PayPal payment
Am will receive a payouts voucher towards
Heartland Discount code does apply
Does count towards heartland standings
Flex 3 - August 20 (Ryans)
Refund policy
Derek Dunn is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.