Chains on Cedar Creek

Singles tournament · Amateur

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Hosted by Brock Hester


  • Sat
    Aug 13

    8:00am - 3:00pm

    An all day long event (all times are approximate):
    Check-in - 7:30-8:30
    Players Meeting - 8:30-8:45
    Round 1 Teeoff - 9:00
    Lunch at the conclusion of Round 1
    Round 2 Teeoff is one hour after last Round 1 card is turned in
    Awards and Giveaways to follow Round 2


MA1 Mixed Am 1 $40
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $40
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $40
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $40
FA2 Women's Am 2 $40
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $40
MA4 Mixed Am 4 $40

About this tournament

The 4th Annual Chains on Cedar Creek disc golf tournament is an unsanctioned, nonprofit tournament started in 2019 in an effort to spread disc golf across Franklin County and Northwest Alabama. All profits and donations obtained at this tournament go directly to maintaining the course grounds and Rustic Youth Camp, a nonprofit youth camp designed to give kids a safe, fun atmosphere to spend a week of their summer vacation.

Registration will be exclusively on DiscGolfScene and cost to register will be $40. Included with registration, every player will receive a player pack and lunch. Check-in will be from 7:30 - 8:30 the morning of the tournament. Also at check-in each player will choose their lunch option (choice of hotdog or hamburger, chips and drink). Not included with registration but available at check-in will be an optional $5 ace pot.

We also are going to make registration available in person the day of the tournament too, assuming there are still spots available!!

A standard one day tournament with a Shotgun start. It will consist of two rounds both consisting of eighteen holes. Round one will be played on layout A and Round two will be played on layout B. There will be CTP prizes and an optional Ace Pot.

We will attempt to use UDisc for scorecards but we will also have traditional scorecards in case there are technical issues.

Player packs will be presented by this year’s sponsor Dynamic Discs Iron City. They will be onsite where each player will have the opportunity to customize their player pack and to buy additional merchandise. Check them out on Facebook or in person if you’re ever in the Birmingham area.

Be sure to bring extra cash for the Ace Pot, extra food, and disc golf merch!

Come join us, what is a better way to spend a Summer day than playing disc golf while supporting a good cause!! Currently we are adding the basic divisions but we can add any divisions as requested. We’ve made some updates to the course since last year so be sure to check out @ryc_discgolf on Instagram. UDisc is now up to date so check it out and leave us a review. Feel free to reach out to me on FB (Brock Hester) or Instagram (RYC_discgolf) with any questions.

Refund policy

Brock Hester is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.