CedarSeries Volume 4 Supported by MVP

PDGA logoSunday, February 19, 2023 at The Cedars At Green Haven in Anoka, Minnesota
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament


Tournament DirectorDan Schnabel
Assistant TD in the place to be...Anthony Erickson

About this tournament

Welcome to the fourth and final event to be held at the seasonal Disc Golf Course "The Cedars" staged at Greenhaven Golf Course in Historic Anoka!

This event will be a one round flex start event with players packs for ams (Trophy Only) and payouts for Pro Players.

All players will receive a burger and a beer/beverage (value $15) with their paid registration to be redeemed at the Tavern at Greenhaven.

Ams will receive one disc and another players pack item (TBD), retail value of these items to exceed $25.

Optional $5 and $10 ace pools are available as well. If an ace isn't hit, the pool will carry over into my next event.

Refund policy

Coon Rapids Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/65726
1Tim T3J Johnson Jr4848$180
2Chris Hall4949$125
3Anthony Erickson5050$75
3Brandon Dickey5050$75
3Richard Ortiz5050$75
6Dan Schnabel5151
7Chase Hoy5353$20
7Kelsea Shult-Lewis5353$20
7Romelo Florez5353$20
10Song Thao5353
11Peter Atkins5454
12Jacob Fritz5656
12Ryan Morrissey5656
14Samuel Easty5757
14Thao Vang5757
16Andy Swanson5858
16Luke Wessel5858
18Bob Ashcraft5959
18Sean Rolison5959
20Curtis E Majors6767
1Christopher Gonzalez5757$35
1Andrew Ashton5252
2Greg Barber5353
2Scott M5353
4Steven Toso5555
5Kevin Shaughnessy5656
6Alan Splettstoeszer5757
6Zach Klassen5757
8Matt Edison5959
8Tyler Guimont5959
10Jaden Prechel6161
1Phillip Dahlheimer Sr.5555
2Dan Cypull5757
2Jose Sprague5757
1James Johnson6565
2Andrew Datwyler6868
1Daniel Miley5252
2Luke Haqq5656
2Ryan Komosa5656
4Luke Zacharias5959
4Ryan H. LaRue5959
6Alex Kelly6060
6Daniel Freeman6060
6Scott Allen6060
10Andrew D Pahl6161
11Kenneth Midgley6262
12John Stanchfield6363
13Andrew Peterson6464
13Kyle Craig6464
15Steve Reedy6565
15Tylor Chin6565
17Mark Nelson6666
17Matt Syx6666
17Tom Odegaard6666
20Daniel Rivera6868
1Chris Knutson5353
2Alex Sykora5858
2Brennan Shaughnessy5858
4Jory Barker5959
4Sonenalinh Kounduangta5959
6James Stanchfield6060
7Aaron Brancamp6161
7Nick Petschl6161
7Ryan Nichols6161
10Aeleeya Moua6262
11Chaurli Moua6363
12Rob Dembroski6464
13Austin Lien6666
14Nicholas Holman6767
14Tyrone Whitney6767
16Kevin Sandland6868
17Gavin Groth7373
1Randy Paul6464
2Preston Leigh6565
3Scott Kulzer6868
4Nathan Moehnke7171
4Tyler Collins7171
6Evan Caldwell7575
6Steve Traaseth7575
8Tei Akofio-Sowah7878
1Jenny Batten7676
1Pashia Vang7878
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