CedarSeries Volume 3 supported by Discmania!!!

PDGA logoSunday, January 15, 2023 at The Cedars At Green Haven in Anoka, Minnesota
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

CedarSeries Volume 3 supported by Discmania!!! graphic

About this tournament

Welcome to the third of four events to be held at the seasonal Disc Golf Course "The Cedars" staged at Greenhaven Golf Course in Historic Anoka!

This event will be a one round flex start event with players packs for ams (Trophy Only) and payouts for Pro Players.

All players will receive a burger and a beer/beverage (value $15) with their paid registration to be redeemed at the Tavern at Greenhaven.

Ams will receive one disc and another players pack item (TBD), retail value of these items to meet or exceed $25.

Optional $5 and $10 ace pools, pools to be updated soon.

Refund policy

Coon Rapids Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/64938
1Chris Hall4747$130
2Josh Miller5151$65
2Richard Ortiz5151$65
4Dan Schnabel5151
5Anthony Erickson5353
5Zak Vrudny5353
7Andy Swanson5656
8Arron Carlson6060
9Curtis Majors6565
9Sean Rolison6565
1Greg Barber5151
2Alek Anderson5454
3Alan Splettstoeszer6060
3Conrad Bush6060
1Jose Sprague6060
2Nathan Moehnke7272
1James Johnson6565
2Andrew Datwyler7070
3Rick Hanner7777
4Steve Traaseth7979
1Zach Trotto5454
2John Stanchfield5858
2Kenneth Midgley5858
4Luke Haqq5959
5Daniel Miley6161
5Nathan Bahr6161
7Alex Kelly6363
8Brad Houfek6464
9Nick Stroozas6565
10Tylor Chin6666
12Adam Antonetti6969
1Mark Nelson5858
2Jory Barker6060
2Josh Mattson6060
2Ryan Nichols6060
5Andrew Johnson6161
5Bret Walling6161
7Chris Knutson6262
8Chaurli Moua6363
8Mike Johnson6363
10Sonenalinh Kounduangta6464
11Randy Paul6565
11Richard Mann6565
13Aaron Brancamp6666
14Aeleeya Moua6767
14Tyrone Whitney6767
16Eric Ziebarth7171
1Mikayla Anderson6767
2Evan Caldwell7272
1Jenny Batten8282
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