Capital City Challenge
PDGA C/B-tier · Sat, Jun 16, 2018Jun 2018 · Lansing, MI
MVP for donating 2 baskets to us for the raffle.
Innova Discs for donating some great items for the players packs and a Super Hero bag for our raffle. May 24, 2018

I am an idiot and forgot my disc bag and stool right next to the pavilion. Any chance someone grabbed it? It's an Innova Competition bag (grey and black) with the shoulder straps. I would be happy to reward anyone who has it.
-Conrad Jun 17, 2018

So the situation with less than three people is this. You are certainly welcome to come play. You wi ...
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Corey Fisher
38625 Jun 15, 2018
Thank you Jun 14, 2018