
CV Bagtag Extraveganza

Singles tournament · Fri, May 30, 2014May 2014 · Silverton, OR

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Rick Saffeels
GREAT DAY FOR FROLFERS! Dane and Luke took the low score of 50 in the Advanced Division (Dane won our 90 Disc Wooden Rack and Luke also won the Turkey Pot and Prodigy CTP), Steve Jones come from behin ... show more ›
May 31, 2014
Rick Saffeels May 30, 2014 Also Ira with the CTP after payouts for the Prodigy Towel & Ace for $20 bucks (awesome)
Terry Shuler Terry Shuler Adv. Master May 29, 2014
Slick WIllie Luke Tichinton and I will be joining you all up there.
May 28, 2014
Rick Saffeels The last time we had an Ace was October 25, 2013 (10/25/13). Who wants to hit an ace for $176 plus anyone who comes this Friday?! May 27, 2014
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The Ronin May 27, 2014
I really wish I could, Rick. I'm quite the drive away, and I'm getting ready for a 9 day trip to go ... show more ›
Rick Saffeels May 27, 2014 We are actually going to put it into CTP Holes during the round and payouts because the people coming have been there all year and we can't carry it over to the next year or else it gets taxed :)
Dallas Trower May 27, 2014 the 5-8 of you will have fun.
Mr. Snap #4 will be present...boom May 20, 2014
Rick Saffeels May 21, 2014 Yeeha!! Boyz from the South!!
Rick Saffeels There is a $176 Ace Pot to be hit! We will split it into the winners payout if it doesn't get hit! Sign up and pay the day of! Prodigy towels and discs for sale and CTP! May 18, 2014
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Mr CLEAN May 18, 2014 you gona turn the tag over so it can be played for?
Dallas Trower May 18, 2014 no. gonna use it to start a fire in my BBQ.
Slick WIllie May 28, 2014 Mr. Scary wrecking stuff up, again!
Jonathan Long I'm gonna have to change to the absent division. I'll be in California that weekend :/ May 1, 2014
Rick Saffeels May 1, 2014 Supa lame :( but have fun!
Steve Jones count me in masters please Apr 25, 2014
Rick Saffeels Apr 25, 2014 Great!
Rick Saffeels Prodigy disc order just went out today! They are not going to be custom stamped do to the nature of this tournament being that it will be a small turnout. So the more people that come the more discs for CTP's and Trophies! Apr 25, 2014
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