CTP Disc Flex #1 @ Ghost Town: Course Rule Sheet
Log and Rock Wall OB, The peak of the OB is the line, if there is a question benefit of the doubt goes to the player, or take a provisional and play o ...
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CTP Disc Flex #1 @ Ghost Town: Course Rule Sheet
Log and Rock Wall OB, The peak of the OB is the line, if there is a question benefit of the doubt goes to the player, or take a provisional and play out both ways and bring to Me Post round to resolve:
Majority of Rock/Wood boundaries are to protect neighbors private property and are labeled with a sign that says OB on it.
Hole 1 OB log wall along right and left side, OB beyond chain fence deep
Hole 2 OB log wall along right and Rock line on left side, OB beyond chain fence deep
Hole 3 OB beyond log lines on right and left
Hole 4 Short: DO NOT PLAY 4 Short, eliminated from event, Blue basket will not be used
Hole 4 Long OB beyond Wood/Rock walls on Left and Right sides. All dry islands labeled as OB play OB. Rock circle surrounding dry pond is OB line, benefit of the doubt to the player.
Hole 5 OB Right and Left beyond Wood/Rock Wall
Hole 6 OB Wood/Rock wall right side and deep
Hole 7 OB Right side Wood line
Hole 8 OB Wood Line Right
Hole 9: Mando Left side of marked post(DZ Directly next to post if missed) OB deep of wood/pole lined green, Basket is Mach basket with sign “9” Directly infront, not the pointed top basket.
Hole 10: Mando Left of marked, DZ directly next to mando if missed. Walk up fairway, not road to basket.
Hole 11 Double Mando, DZ in center, painted. Basket is pointed top basket with “11” sign infront.
Hole 12: OB Deep wood line.
Hole 13 OB Deep, Rock/Wood lined. Playing to Mach Basket
Hole 14 OB surrounds fairway and basket, wood and rock lined
Hole 15 Concrete tee pad, OB Rock line on right side.
Hole 16 Mando Right of marked tree(Hole 15 concrete tee is drop zone if missed) OB Right and left side of fairway, lined with rock and wood line pols
Hole 17 OB Fence left and Right
Hole 18 Island Green, if you do not cross over inbounds proceed to DZ with penalty at post with Red dot, DZ is painted.
Hole 19 OB beyond wood logs that surround entire fairway and green