The CTP Disc First Annual Barbecue Competition
About this tournament
Bring your meats to our first annual CTP Disc Barbecue Competition! Tasting and judging will be open from 12-2, with winners announced shortly after. There will be three divisions: chicken, beef, and pork, and you may enter one, two, or all three categories. It costs $20 to enter one division, and then $10 for each additional. You will need to bring 5 POUNDS of whatever meat(s) you enter, and we will provide small cups, utensils, and warming dishes for tasting and keeping food warm. Winners for each category will go on the plaque in the shop, and winners will split the prize pot which comes from the entry fees. Judges (anyone who comes to eat and does not bring food) will pay $10 in advance or at the door, with all ticket proceeds going to Food Bank of the Rockies. Reach out with any questions, hope to see you there!
Refund policy
CTP Disc is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.