CODGHOF Winter Series 2025: Stop 2

PDGA logoSunday, December 1, 2024 at ULTRA DiscGolfPark in Fort Collins, Colorado
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

CODGHOF Winter Series 2025: Stop 2 graphic

About this tournament

This is the first stop and Kick Off for the 2024-25 Colorado Disc Golf Hall of Fame Winter Series. This year we are having 6 total events from November-February

Stop # 3 Sunday 12/15/2024 @ Ultra
Stop # 4 TENTATIVELY 1/12/2025 @ Ultra
Stop #5 TENTATVIELY 1/26/2025 @ Ultra
Stope #6 TENTATIVELY 2/16/2025 @ Ultra

Professional Players are playing for Cash Payouts
Amateur Players are playing for Trophy Only
Amateur player pack:1 Premium Disc

Entry is $45 for Pros, and $25 for AMs

$2 to TD
$3 to the CODGHOF
$3 Series Fee that goes to end of the year overall payouts.

$35 in Open Divisions goes directly towards event payouts.

Players will be competing for season end payouts(Total Spots paid down will not exceed top 3 and may be less, announced before the final Stop in February)

Points: Players get 10 Points per event for participating, 5 Points for a win, and 1 point for every person You defeat in your division
Top 5 Events will count toward final standings

Points will be updated on the Series page after each event located here:

Series Trophy for Divisions with 15 or more competitors OR Winner with at least 4 Stops Competed

The Colorado Disc Golf Hall of Fame is a 501(C)3 organization and we will be accepting donations to help further our our mission to preserve the history of disc golf in Colorado, to honor those who have given to the growth and development of the sport, and make connections between generations of people who enjoy disc golf.

Donation Options and Descriptions:
$5-$20 Donation to the CODGHOF

Refund policy

Colorado Disc Golf Hall Of Fame is responsible for all refunds/cancellations, we will follow PDGA refund policy. If there is not a waitlister to fill your spot in within 14 days of the event you will get: Amateurs Player pack, Professionals 25% Refund.



Final Results

PDGA results at
Round 1: ULTRA DiscGolfPark - Standard 18 Mix, 18 holes, par 56
1Lucas Carmichael4343$70
2Evan DeMeyer4747
Round 1: ULTRA DiscGolfPark - Standard 18 Mix, 18 holes, par 56
1Henry J Kirwan4848$110
2David Gordon5252$65
3Chad Johnson5353
3Travis Cooper5353
5Zach Meeker5454
Round 1: ULTRA DiscGolfPark - Standard 18 Mix, 18 holes, par 56
1John Reed4747
2Jacob Lyons4747
3Noah Rohm4949
4Kyle Harrigan5050
5Brandon Betz5151
5Kevin Stolpa5151
7Alex Diaz-Clark5252
7Oliver Ball5252
9Christopher Peterson5353
10Drew Mahoney5454
10Zach Vilante5454
12Chris Carter5757
12Devin Child5757
12Jesus Valero5757
12Parker Sturm5757
16Joshua Parrish5858
17Taylor Lorenzen5959
Round 1: ULTRA DiscGolfPark - Standard 18 Mix, 18 holes, par 56
1Josh Kreutzer5454
1Wade Maronn5454
3Luke Miller5555
4Aaron Goble5656
5Tim Bennett5757
6Adam Anderson5959
6Chris Lang5959
Round 1: ULTRA DiscGolfPark - Standard 18 Mix, 18 holes, par 56
1Scott Homstad5555
2Joel Chirhart5959
2Scott Taylor5959
Round 1: ULTRA DiscGolfPark - Standard 18 Mix, 18 holes, par 56
1Keri SIbley6161
Round 1: ULTRA DiscGolfPark - Standard 18 Mix, 18 holes, par 56
1Frank Santarelli6868
Round 1: ULTRA DiscGolfPark - Standard 18 Mix, 18 holes, par 56
1Matthew Cisneros5050
2Dion Hall5252
3Evan Czysz5353
3James Austin5353
5Carl Wold5454
5Gary Ward5454
5Steve DuVall5454
8Joel Robinson5555
9Shyam Dhruv5656
10Jojo Janus5757
11Christopher Smock5858
11Galen Hagen5858
13Oliver Voigt6060
14Ryan Castillo6262
15Alexis Diaz6363
Round 1: ULTRA DiscGolfPark - Standard 18 Mix, 18 holes, par 56
1Erik Voigt5656
2Nick Byrd5858
3Josue Diaz6161
4Alex Sindler6262
4Fez Alcala Chavez6262
4Hilario Diaz Jr6262
7Johny Hyback6363
Round 1: ULTRA DiscGolfPark - Standard 18 Mix, 18 holes, par 56
1Marty Jansen-hedrick7171
Round 1: ULTRA DiscGolfPark - Standard 18 Mix, 18 holes, par 56
1Nicole Baker6565
1Rachel Meeker6565
3Amy Sindler6666
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