CODGHOF Winter Series 2024: Stop 4 Birds Nest Disc Golf Course

PDGA logoSunday, February 11, 2024 at Bird's Nest Disc Park in Arvada, Colorado
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

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About this tournament

This is the 4th Stop for the 2023-24 Colorado Disc Golf Hall of Fame Winter Series. This year we are having 6 ... more
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Wade Maronn    February 11 at 6:22am

I can’t make it for the 11th. If I missed the refund window. No problem. Good luck out there.


Kyle Harrigan    February 10 at 5:17pm

We are still good for Sunday. Our Fearless Tee Pad crew will make sure they are ready to go for us (Thank you Chris and Chris and JC!). The snow that fell overnight was expected. Denver/Arvada got less than other areas around and as I have stated in weeks past, I plan for snow, this is a winter series, previous postponements were due to severe player safety (Unsafe temperatures, and unsafe driving conditions). See you all tomorrow.

David Micnhimer   February 10 at 7:06pm

Will we likely needs ribbons/carpenter's chalk?

Kyle Harrigan   February 10 at 3:29am

Playoff Loop Correction: Holes 1-2-16-17 on Loop

Marty Jansen-hedrick    February 10 at 2:43am

Are we playing this Sunday

Kyle Harrigan   February 10 at 2:58am

We sure are!

Ratana Meekham    February 9 at 10:56pm

Hi Kyle, will I be able to sign up day of the tournament if I wanted to play?

Randy Zimmerman   February 9 at 11:28pm

Kyle, I apologize for the inconvenience, but I will have to withdraw, I can't make this date after all. Hope all goes well!

Kyle Harrigan   February 10 at 1:02am

Hi Ratana, In order to make sure cards are balanced and all notes are in players hands I do not do walk ups for these events. I do leave registration open relatively late the night before to accommodate people to the best of my ability.

Kyle Harrigan    February 3 at 10:04pm

Hello Everyone,

The winter disc golf lords have not been great to this stop, and of course the weather predictions were wrong for this storm(It is Colorado, we are due for one wrong storm every year). After review of all the information and traffic cameras as well as consulting people near Birds Nest, I have decided that is in the best interest of player safety to postpone this stop:

Factors Considered: Although the course might be in a conditio ... more

Josh Kreutzer   February 3 at 10:19pm

The roads in that area are super bad.

Alex Diaz-Clark   February 3 at 11:38pm

I wasn;t even worried about playing in the slush, it was the drive down from Fort Collins that I feared, with morning temperatures just under freezing. Thanks for postponing it.

Kyle Harrigan    February 3 at 1:18am

A lot of people signed up today: Here is the player email I sent last night: Hello Everyone!!

We hope you are having a great week! I am going to send out 2 emails for this Sunday the 4th due to the unpredictable weather currently hanging over us for this weekend. Right now we are going to plan as though we are a GO. I plan to make an ultimate decision mid day Saturday unless the forecast becomes much clearer Friday. I have seen anywhere from rain in the metro to a foot of snow, I am hopeful t ... more


Max Kugel    February 1 at 4:07am

I had to pull out of two of the stops due to an injury, can I come pick up my players pack from those even though I won’t be playing?

Kyle Harrigan   February 1 at 1:52pm

That would be fine. Keep an eye here incase weather causes us issues. We can figure something out if you’re not able to come as well.

Kyle Harrigan    January 31 at 3:13am

The Intended layout is posted in the pictures tab. I am watching the forecast diligently as the disc golf gods are against Stop 4. I will keep players updated when things start to become clearer. Expect and email from me Thursday night regardless.


Kyle Harrigan    January 13 at 5:04pm

This Stop is being moved to Bird's Nest Disc Golf Course in Arvada. I will send an email out to players Monday. Thank you all for bearing with us and all the last minute necessary adjustments. Hope you all stay warm this weekend!

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Kyle Harrigan   January 14 at 3:35am

You both are crazy! My lungs burned walking to the trash can

Chris Lang   January 14 at 6:30pm

Haha it was cold and yes we are crazy lol. Benefit of working outdoors is conditioning the body to extreme conditions. Shocking part was there was actually other crazies out there too. Kudos to Winter Warriors for pushing through.

J C   January 25 at 2:24am


Kyle Harrigan    January 11 at 7:56pm

At this point many of you have seen that irrigation/draining issues are following the winter series this year. I am working on where our final three stops will be now that Lower is going to be out of commission for Months. I hope to have this situated by Monday evening. Thanks for holding in there with us! All these projects for both courses is for the better long term use of them and we will support Lower and Ultra every step of the way!


Kyle Harrigan    January 10 at 5:14pm

POSTPONEMENT: Just emailed to players
Hello Everyone,
At this time after the continual deterioration of the forecast I have made the decision to postpone Sundays Stop 4 round to Sunday February 4th.
As an event director I have to keep the safety of all participants in mind. The forecast started at a realistic teen temperature but now the forecast high is 3 degrees with us playing in what is mostly negative with wind chills falling outside my comfort zone for safe competiti ... more

Alec Wieczorek   January 10 at 5:52pm

Base plastic discs thank you for this decision

Tyler Roberts   January 10 at 10:37pm

Good call. Frost bite is a concern @ that temperature and wind speed.

Frank Santarelli   January 11 at 4:00pm

I'm glad to see this decision. I will reenter unless we have another "arctic" weekend.

Ryan Dehart    January 8 at 3:50am

For lower bad lands, which layout will be played?

Kyle Harrigan   January 8 at 4:00am

I’ll send out details a little later this week. Got to see what the weather ends up doing to us