I have scores all on the computer now I will get them copied to the scene when I get home tonight thx all for the great event yesterday.
I want everyone to know the staff that made the event great ...
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I have scores all on the computer now I will get them copied to the scene when I get home tonight thx all for the great event yesterday.
I want everyone to know the staff that made the event great yesterday, I know this was Mikes/CJs event with us helping to support it but I want everyone involved to know how great they did and for all of you to know there names, thank you mike for giving me the opportunity to help, I love you guys and am so proud to be part of your event and president of A3.
1st Mike (CJs) he really wants to build Discgolf into the sport it should be, he's a great guy, he reached out to A3 for support on the event and my god how could we not... He is a all around great, big heart and has a real love for the those who play the sport, he is exactly what we need in Discgolf, a sponsor who loves the game, and a Tournament built for the players, his goal was not to be successful but to make sure everyone had fun that says a lot.
Matt Roberts- He is A3's new tournament coordinator (one of his many hats right now)and honestly everyone in a3 will agree has been the single greatest asset gained in A3 this year if you haven't meet him you should he is a real A3'er to his bone, and his commitment to a great event and his focus to build a bigger community involvement has refocused the whole clubs view on tournaments in general. He has a "commit to perfection" attitude and it shows in everything he does thank you.
Bill Gilbert- Everyone knows Bill, he is a work horse and a big thx for his dedication and a lending of his knowledge and experience, the guy knows his crap, he has been the clubs liaison/gofer with CJ's through the whole thing and his helped mike a ton not just with the event but with helping mike find an identity in his event, great job, mike and him made a great team.
George Roberts- Big thx he spent all of Saturday with Matt, Mika and I readying cards for pre reg, running drills for sign up loading the cars for the event. Helped pass out player packs, setup, cleanup, cards, scores, you name it and all around he has yet to miss a board meeting his dedication to A3 is awesome.
Jesse Braidwood- Gave us a hand all day running merch counting cards, building leaderboards, setup, takedown, a little of everything, his first event as a staffer and he went head first thanks for the help, he also just took on the role as A3 webmaster along with myself, he will be updating and managing a3disc.org and much of our web activities.
Mika Perez- Big thx she also spent all of Saturday with Matt, George and I writing cards for pre reg, running drills for sign up loading the cars for the event Help running reg/checkin, setup, cleanup, cards, scores, you name it and all around has also yet to miss a board meeting her dedication to A3 is a gain for A3 like no other as she has been our helping hand along with Bills wife Becky on all of our meetings.
Erik- Designated and dedicated CJs accountant for the event great guy did all the numbers for the event and accepted your cash (guy in the blue shirt, or gray once it got warm) he was a great help and such a nice guy. Mike has some great friends and I know we all feel the same way for mike he is a great guy who is easy to help. He worked with bill to do payouts and ace pool and everywhere he could help along with setup and tear down.
Elise - hope I spelled that right, Mike's supportive wife, she went in cannonball style into the event, she learned by fire; what a trooper, she handled raffle in the morning, handled scoring between rounds and by the end of the day she had her hands on everything, she was great.
Jamie Mosier- Jumped in at a critical time between rounds to score cards and build the leader-boards with Matt, Mika, George and Elise. He shaved a good 30 minutes off the time between rounds, great job and big thanks.
Robert Shaffer / 24 Chains - He ran all those side games and helped sell raffle at payouts what a great guy, his help was amazing he is a great guy who jumped in and ran some great games and provided a hand when we needed big thanks.
Andy Kay / Jessica Ferris - Both relativity new to tournament staff were a nice addition to the crew, helping to run registration by handing out Merch from the player packs, counting aces, organizing leader cards at the end of the day and helping to clean up, Andy is new to the board and Jessica should be joining us next month glad to have them both, thanks guys.
Becky Gilbert- Bills wife her support lets bill be as active as he is and was a great help at reg that morning.
Jason Reifschneider- Shirt artist and artist for the LE crystal art available at CJs
Also I know all the staff mike asked work extra at CJs while they event was on going and of course all the support he had from his employees that came out that morning to setup and help was awesome mike has friends like no other nice job.
Apologies if I missed anyone, big thanks to the players Mike couldn't get the smile off his face with how great it was to meet all of you.