Christine Lockhart
Thanks so much for a great day! Loved the course and all the great food and raffle prizes. Such a fun and festive tournament! Well done!! Nov 15, 2021
Don Hansler
What time will the gate be open? I would like to get in some warm up throws and see a little bit of the course before the tournament. Nov 12, 2021
Anna Caudle Nov 12, 2021It’s open today and if you want you can get here at 7am
Anna Caudle Nov 8, 2021Camping is available Saturday night only
Don Hansler
I have yet to have the pleasure of playing the world renowned Caudle’s Canyon Disc Golf Resort. I am signed up for the tournament but I do not know where it is. Can you help me find you?
Thank you
Sober Don Nov 5, 2021