Burchfield Open Day 2 (MPO FPO MPG MA2 MA4 FA1 FA2)

PDGA C-tier

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hosted by Capital City Renegades


  • Sun
    Jun 22


    Registration / Check-in


    Players meeting


    Tee off


MPO Mixed Pro Open $55
FPO Women's Pro Open $35
MPG GM $45
FA1 Women's Am 1 $25
MM1 Adv Master $45
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $40
FA2 Women's Am 2 $25
FA3 Women's Am 3 $25
MA4 Mixed Am 4 $25

About this tournament

Cashless Registration or
Register here or
Mail Payments to:
Matt Rinker
3900 Windemere Dr
Lansing MI 48911

You may also pay me in person
If you choose to pay the Day of the event, there will be a $5 day of fee added to your entry.

All entry Fees include a $5 greens fee, which goes directly to the Park for course improvements and upkeep.

Event 13 of the J-Bird Players Series

Burchfield Park, holt MI


A PDGA C Tier Event

Event code A

JBird Discs Store includes Innova Discraft and Prodigy

1 Round on Rivers Edge
1 Round on Renegades Trail

*Renegades Trial Layout
1 Short- Long (all)
2 Long- long, short-long (pro am1, all other am)
3 Long-short, short- short (pro am1, all other am)
4 Long-Short, short-short (pro am1, all other am)
5 Long-Long, short-long (pro am1, all other am)
6 Short – Long (all)
7 Long-Long (par 5), short-long (pro am1, all other am)
8 Short-short (all)
9 Long-Long, short-long (pro am1, all other am)
10 Long-Short, short-short (pro am1, all other am)
11 Short-long (all)
12 Long-Short, short-short (pro am1, all other am)
13 Long-Long, short-long (pro am1, all other am)
14 Short-Long (all)
15 Long-Short, short-short (pro am1, all other am)
16 Short-Long (all)
17 Long-Island, short-island (pro am1, all other am)
18 Short-Long (all)

$2 of your entry fee is the PDGA fee and $2 JBPS fee

JBPS will also:

To help address the sandbagging issues at the Michigan State Championships;
a. For the Am2/Am3 (including the women) divisions in Featured Events
, if there is a player that takes 1st or 2nd place and that player has never had a
PDGA membership the Featured Event will deduct from that player’s payouts
$35 to cover the cost of buying them a PDGA membership.
b. The remaining $10 was initially paid by the player at entry.
c. The last missing $5 is because the MDGO is an Affiliate Club.
d. Non-current PDGA members do not apply.

Refund policy

Capital City Renegades is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.