Top Shelf Pop-Up #6: Bomber Blast supported by Innova Discs
Comments 47 following
About this tournament
Mike Berry March 17, 2021 at 11:45pm
Skull Mountain Course Preview!
Todd Barker March 17, 2021 at 9:47pm
Yo Mikey!
I noticed there are 9 registered for 40pro, and 11 reg for 40am... you want to bump me from am to pro to even it out, i am good with that.
It is $15 more to go to pro division if you want. Can move you if you like. There is a space.
William Collins March 17, 2021 at 2:47am
Please move me from Am1 to Open. Thank you!
Can do. Please send the 15$ extra via Venmo if that works. @darryldiscgolf
Gabriel Neustadt March 16, 2021 at 10:52pm
Hey Mike I need to back out if this one. Unfortunately I won’t be able to get Friday off. Thanks.
Logan Tosta March 16, 2021 at 12:10am
Hi Mike, I need to withdraw from this event. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience. Thanks.
Mat Straka March 10, 2021 at 1:43am
Hi Mike, I signed up for the waitlist in MA1 and MA2 and now im registered for both divisions, can you remove me from just the MA1 division?
Talia Delanoy March 9, 2021 at 5:35pm
Mike, I'd like to withdraw from this event. Hopefully there is another woman who'd like my spot.
Justin Miller March 6, 2021 at 5:51pm
Hi Mike. I’m a tad confused on when MA40+ plays on Friday. Schedule says AM in the early spot and 40+ for the afternoon. Can you clarify for me please? Thanks so much.
Sure. Mainly I have MA1 and MA2 cards in the early slots. MPO will be last slots. All FA, and 40+ midday. Hope that helps!
Thanks Mike. So when should I arrive on Friday? Sorry for all the questions. My first tournament.
Cool! Ok will post tee times a few days before the event. That should help indicate a time to show up. I suggest 30 minutes before just to find parking and get the group to hole 1.
Christopher Watts March 2, 2021 at 5:07pm
Hey Mike. How do we play Skull Mtn? Who do we need to get in tough with for that. I would like to check it out since I've never played it. Thank you.
Skull Mountain is open most days by appointment. Just shoot me a text at 916/PIE-DISC and please, no dogs. See course detail on Udisc.
Thanks man, really excited to play the course. I'll hit you up soon.
Ed Behl February 27, 2021 at 9:21pm
Plans changed and we will not be back in CA in time for this one
Please cancel and refund me and move Frank up to take my place
Brandon Reyes February 20, 2021 at 1:57am
I have a question, not exactly sure how the waitlist works for these tournaments. ( never been in a tournament before and spots are getting snatched up fairly quickly....
My question is, if it says I’m current waitlisted at #16....but for my division I’m waitlisted number#3 I go off the waitlist number or the waitlist number in my division? Also are there odds for the top 3 waitlisted chances high? I also paid, I get a refund if I’m not in the tournament right?
If someone drops from your division, that division waitlist bumps up. Will be Refunded if not playing. Can’t predict who will stay or drop. Thanks
Shea Callahan February 20, 2021 at 12:42am
Seeing how the pros are on seperate courses and not as many as am field, do you think your going to squeeze in an extra card or two?
All numbers are limited on a max of 5 per card with tee times Friday. As we get closer, I’ll see if I can add a card, but then it brings sunlight into play. Thanks!
Carlos Hernandez January 25, 2021 at 5:35pm
I noticed that it looks like someone dropped out of ma40. Does that mean I’m in? Do ma40 play skull or pioneer second round?
Waitlist automatically updates when someone drops. I'll check on that. Ams play Pioneer on Saturday.
logan tosta January 20, 2021 at 7:51am
will there be a couple more intermediate spots opening?
John Johnson January 11, 2021 at 4:17pm
Is Skull Mtn cart friendly? Thanks
Probably not, as Andrei mentioned. CP and Pioneer are ok for carts. Thx
Mike Berry January 5, 2021 at 11:07pm
FYI please renew your PDGA membership by the tournament time or you owe the $10 fee to me by April 2. It normally takes it at registration but was not somehow. Thanks!
ill open up a few more spots on the waitlist, but we are maxxed out other than people withdrawing. Thanks!
Jason Williams January 4, 2021 at 1:05am
Mike. Forgot I’m eligible for MA50. Could you move me?
Ah ****. Didn’t know I would be moving to the waiting list
Rhi Langlois January 3, 2021 at 3:16pm
Thanks for opening up more ladies spots. Just grabbed the last FA1! So excited for this tournament!
Farrah wayne January 3, 2021 at 2:25am
Will there be any more FA1 spot opening up ?
Would love to see more FA1 spots open! Know a few other ladies that would like to join but not be waitlisted.
Steve Hitchcock January 3, 2021 at 12:40am
Will there be a Jr devision for this tournament? 13 and below
We may add that if other divisions don’t fill up at some point. We are limited with space at the moment.
K I’ll check on it. Fine either way