Bogey Free Halloween - Amateur only
About this tournament
Will be playing 2 rounds of 18 holes, all ams will receive a player pack worth 20$ from lucky disc golf! Top 3 each division will receive trophy only.
Finalized Layout
Hole 1- right tee to short basket (road OB and water)
Hole 2- mando left of first tree ( path and beyond on the right is OB)
Hole 3- double mando (path is OB)
Hole 4- short island ( between the path and the island is OB drop zone designated for OB drives.) temp short island is currently not in play and drop zone is in the original placement up by the path
Hole 5- short basket (OB path and beyond)
Hole 6- short 6 tee pad to 14 left basket.
Hole 7- 9s short tee (OB road)
Hole 8- 10 short over the canal (OB water and path and beyond)
Hole 9- 11 short tee double mando
Hole 10- 12 tee to yellow band ( OB path and beyond)
Hole 11- 13 tee to long basket. (water OB)
Hole 12- 15s right tee to 16s right basket ( path and beyond is OB, creek is safe, winter rules.
Hole 13- regular 17 (road and parking lot area is OB)
Hole 14- 18 short pad short basket (mando left of first tree, railroad ties and beyond is OB, water is OB)
Hole 15- bay hole 1, tee from tree across the road to temp basket, (OB water, OB first solid white line on road side and beyond)
hole 16- bay hole 2, temp tee pad to over the bay to temp basket. Drop zone if you choose to not throw over the water. (OB solid white line on road and beyond, OB water)
hole 17- bay hole 3, temp tee pad on other side of tournament central to temp basket on waters edge. (water OB and road OB)
hole 18- bay hole 4 temp tee pad to elevated basket location along side the water, (water OB road OB)
Finalized Layout
Hole 1- right tee to short basket (road OB and water)
Hole 2- mando left of first tree ( path and beyond on the right is OB)
Hole 3- double mando (path is OB)
Hole 4- short island ( between the path and the island is OB drop zone designated for OB drives.) temp short island is currently not in play and drop zone is in the original placement up by the path
Hole 5- short basket (OB path and beyond)
Hole 6- short 6 tee pad to 14 left basket.
Hole 7- 9s short tee (OB road)
Hole 8- 10 short over the canal (OB water and path and beyond)
Hole 9- 11 short tee double mando
Hole 10- 12 tee to yellow band ( OB path and beyond)
Hole 11- 13 tee to long basket. (water OB)
Hole 12- 15s right tee to 16s right basket ( path and beyond is OB, creek is safe, winter rules.
Hole 13- regular 17 (road and parking lot area is OB)
Hole 14- 18 short pad short basket (mando left of first tree, railroad ties and beyond is OB, water is OB)
Hole 15- bay hole 1, tee from tree across the road to temp basket, (OB water, OB first solid white line on road side and beyond)
hole 16- bay hole 2, temp tee pad to over the bay to temp basket. Drop zone if you choose to not throw over the water. (OB solid white line on road and beyond, OB water)
hole 17- bay hole 3, temp tee pad on other side of tournament central to temp basket on waters edge. (water OB and road OB)
hole 18- bay hole 4 temp tee pad to elevated basket location along side the water, (water OB road OB)
Refund policy
Justin Guilliam is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.