Blue Ribbon Blast presented by Latitude 64

PDGA logoSunday, March 12, 2023 at Palm Bay Regional DGC in Palm Bay, Florida
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Blue Ribbon Blast presented by Latitude 64 graphic

About this tournament

You could be a Blue Ribbon Winner!

It's been YEARS & YEARS, but we are coming back baby!

The South of 64 Series & Discalibur DGC are joining forces for this fun 2-ROUND PDGA C-TIer.

The Amateur Player Pack -
$10 Voucher good for use at the Latitude 64 RV that will be on site, Disc Golf Shirt, Disc Golf Disc, and Handeye Gear Bag. $15 to merchandise payout. I am also pleased to donate $3 per Am to the Discalibur DGC. That's a $75 player value & 150%+ Event Value!

Professional Divisions will compete for the standard 100% Payout.

Layouts -
MA60/FA2/MA3/FA3/MA4 - Short Pads
ALL other Divisions will play the Long Pads.

Hole assignments will be published on PDGA.COM and available via the PDGA App, and Live Scoring feature.


Refund policy

South of 64 Series - Tyler Searle is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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