Blue Dog Disc Golf is proud to present the Buffalo 2022 Ice Bowl for Operation Good Neighbor in conjunction with the Town of Evans Neighbors loving Neighbors Valentines Day Celebration. Our goals are to raise $5000 and collect 5000 pounds of food. No one should be hungry.
We are playing 18 holes of random draw doubles and adding $125 to the payout of this round. Cost is $45 for Non Members & $40 Members. Your money - $45= Operation Good Neighbor $5, Suncliff $5, BDDG $3, Ace Pool $2,Payout $5, $25 Player pack. FNL and sponsors will also add $5 per golfer to help offset the cost of the player pack.
Player packs will include an Ice Bowl Disc 2022 of your choice, Ice Bowl 2022 Pin & Ice Bowl 2022 Towel.
Lunch will be available for purchase.
After Lunch, a second round will be played for $12. New Partners will be drawn. ($5 Operation Good Neighbor, $5 Payout. $2 Ace Pool) $125 added cash.
There will be some Ice Bowl socks & Beanies for sale. First come first serve. $12 a pair of socks and $22 for a beanie.
FNL has added $250 to pay out. ($125.00 each round)