Ty Cox
Andrew Whitney a team dropped if you want to team up Nov 29
Nicholas lansberg
Well hate that we had to cancel being new to this was looking forward to meeting new people and trying glow dg for first time . I do wish everyone a good time. Nov 29
Brett Dorrance Nov 29We'd love to have you out at the next one! Be on the lookout.
John Adams
For the third disc is it any disc? Glow disc or glow sticker either one? Nov 28
Brett Dorrance Nov 28Third disc is any disc you want. Preferred glow just so you don't lose it. Keep in mind you must tee off with the 2 MVP players pack discs.
Ty Cox
Does anyone need a teammate? Unranked amateur in town for the holiday. Hit me up! Nov 28
Andrew Whitney Nov 28I do, but it looks like it's currently full.
Brett Dorrance
With the addition of more players I will be setting up temp holes as needed to accommodate. They will be near Hole 6/7 Nov 22
Edward Harryman
When it says dark is that an anytime after dark or everyone needs to be there when it’s just getting dark. Trying to get a few teams to go just need a bit of clarification ty. Nov 6
Brett Dorrance Nov 11Shooting for a 630pm tee off! Hope to see ya there
Brett Dorrance Nov 17Just for the tee shots. You can use whatever you'd like after that.
Trae Miller Nov 26I'm a little confused. What do you mean we can use whatever we want after we tee off? Isn't this just an ace race? Or is it a little bit different?
It's an ace race and a normal round combined. You'll still putt and record a score. The ace race par ...
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It's an ace race and a normal round combined. You'll still putt and record a score. The ace race part of it comes into play if you ace, your team gets 5 strokes off your final score. 2 aces would be 10 strokes, etc. Hope that helps, Trae