BigFoot Flex Start Friday - Mag Open Doubles

Doubles tournament

Friday, June 9, 2023

Hosted by Big Foot Tour Series


F. Squad Flik Squad INT
F. Squad Flik Squad INT
F. Squad Jr Flik Squad Jr AMX
F. Squad Jr Flik Squad Jr AMX



PMX Pro-Mixed $25 / player
PRO Pro $25 / player
ADV Advanced $25 / player
INT Intermediate $25 / player
REC Recreational $25 / player
AMX Am Mixed $25 / player

About this tournament

Big Foot Disc Golf Shop is excited to partner with Play On Sporting Goods to jointly run the 4th Annual Magnolia Open Doubles Event.

Here is the official Caddie Book for this Friday's BigFoot Mag Open Doubles.

Find a partner and get ready for an awesome day of Doubles at Craig Parker Memorial DGC in Durant, OK.

9 AM is when the Event begins.
4 PM final cards go out

Must have two doubles teams to make a card or combine with the flex start singles players.

-Pro: The highest level. Payout will be in cash.
-Pro Mixed: Teams with 1 male and 1 female player. Payout in cash.
-Advanced: High level amateur players. Payout in merchandise credit.
-Intermediate: Experienced disc golfers. Payout is in merchandise credit
-Recreational: Beginners and less experienced players. Payout in merchandise credit.
-Amateur Mixed: Amateur teams with 1 male player and 1 female player.

Pros will play CASH! Payments to be sent out using PayPal.
Am Division finishers in the Top 40% will be paid out with a Gift Certificate Voucher from BigFoot Disc Golf Shop and Play On Sporting Goods. (The amount will be split so that each shop can share in the event equally).

$5 to Big Foot Disc Golf Shop & Play On Sporting Goods
$20 to Pay Out

Refund policy

Big Foot Tour Series is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.