Hello everyone and welcome back to the 2nd annual Bierstadt Lagerhaus Indoor Putting League Powered by Prodigy Discs. This year should be as spectacular as last year with tons of giveaways and great competition. We have the bottom floor of Bierstadt Lagerhaus to play on each and every Monday evening. The first installment of our league will run six weeks long starting on November 30th, 2020.
We will have two sessions per Monday evening. The early session and the late session. Each session will be capped at 50 people. We are doing this to spread out the amount of people allowed into the area over the evening. The early session will happen from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm and the late session from 7:00 pm- Close.
Pre-registration is highly encouraged! If all spots do not fill during pre-registration (which ends on November 30th at NOON) we will allow participants to fill the remaining spots on a WEEKLY, FIRST COME-FIRST SERVED basis. Basically, it's $60 for 6 weeks paid in advance (available until Nov. 30th) or $12 per week paid at the door.
Prize payouts happen both weekly and cumulatively at the end of the six-week period. Your $60 entry fee is good for one six week session.
Your lowest two scores will be dropped so if you cannot make it every week, don't worry!
The format of this putting league will follow the Winter Marksmen style. 5 putting stations comprised of 3 normal baskets and 2 marksman baskets. Distances from each station vary. There are no obstacles or gimmicks. Scores are kept digitally through udisc. You choose your own groups of NO MORE THAN 5 people.
Covid restrictions will be in place for every single person, during each and every event. Masks must be worn unless at tables and social distancing efforts MUST BE MADE my attendees. This rule is very, very strict. If you don't want to wear a mask, THIS ISN'T THE PUTTING LEAGUE FOR YOU.
-Giveaways are already starting to pile in. See the bottom of this description for what we will be giving away each week. Each attendee receives a raffle ticket at the beginning of each week and everybody is guaranteed to win something over the course of the six-week league.
-Points winner of the men's pro-6-week league receives a Dynamic Discs Marksman Basket. The weekly winner in each division receives a special edition trophy disc from Dynamic.
-If you are unfamiliar with how this league will work, please take a few minutes to check out
https://www.dynamicdiscs.com/winter-marksman-league_a/416.htm or feel free to reach out to staff with questions!
Bierstand Lagerhaus
2875 Blake St, Denver, CO 80205
Title Sponsor - PRODIGY DISCS. Prodigy had made an awesome donation of putters and swag. I'm super excited to bring out my favorite brand and get some Prodigy stuff in the hands of everyone! Every single person will be able to test out all of the Prodigy Putters FOR FREE every evening. THANK YOU PRODIGY.
MAIN Supporting Sponsor - BLUE SKY DISC GOLF (Denver, CO) has made an incredibly gracious donation to the winners of both Female and Men's Amateur divisions. The winner of the female division will receive one GRIP EQ BX BUZZZ DISC GOLF BAG valued at $225.00. The winner of the Men's Amateur Division will win one MVP BLACKHOLE TRANSIT BASKET valued at $175.00. Thank you so much, Patrick Sheehan. Please support your local disc golf retailer here in Denver and check out Blue Sky Disc Golf.
Supporting Sponsor - OTBDiscs.com - Only the Best Discs returns as our favorite California sponsor. You probably saw these guys blow up this year after them sponsoring skins matches and giant monster humans on the course. Well, they are coming to Denver to support the league again. Tons of awesome swag, custom runs of OTB discs from various manufactures, and probably some other awesome stuff too. These guys NEVER let us down. Thanks so much, DANNY, and all the people at OTB.
Little baby sponsor, Jeff Norvell - I will be whipping out my stash and giving away sweet stuff every week. Things include special edition local tournament discs from this past season, chalk bags, various Prodigy Disc apparel/discs, 2020 GBO player pack items, and lots of other stuff!
Sorry for the confusion. It is not. Most likely getting cancelled since they don't know when they will open