Hello everyone!
We are now just over a week away from the tournament, and I'm getting very excited!
I just wanted to give a (not so) quick rundown of what the day will look like. You'll find below a schedule of the day, as well as details for everything else that will be happening.
The planned schedule for the day is as follows:
8:00-8:55 AM - Pick up Player's Packs / Warm-up
9:00 AM - Player's Meeting / Walk to Assigned Tees
9:30 AM - Tournament Start
11:30 AM - Lunch + Vendor Stations Open
1:00 PM - Side Events + Vendor Stations Open
3:00 PM - Raffle + Awards Presentation
Tournament details:
This is a family friendly event. We will have a bunch of fun activities and games set up in the field for people to play while hanging out or after finishing lunch.
The ace pot for the event is currently at $215!!! There's still time to adjust your registration if you'd like to get in on the ace pot. Remember, we're throwing from the short tees!
Next week, I will send another email with a map of the park including the layout, OB, and card information. We will have an HQ marked on the map, this is where check-in and the player's meeting will occur. There is also a bathroom on site near HQ. There are lots of colour options for your Berg. They will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. If you made a special request (Glow or Moomin), those options will be reserved for you.
We will have full use of the soccer field for warming up.
We will be using UDisc league scoring for the event. You can find the event here:
We will be using the red layout with different tee locations for holes 1, 10, and 12. We will have signs beside the tee pads for all holes, so it should be very clear where everything is. I've added the layout that we will be playing to the UDisc page for Gemmill Park here:
If you do not have a UDisc account, please create one before the event!
You can create one day-of, but it's easier on the card if you do it in advance, and remember your username!
You'll also be able to follow along with the scores from other cards to see how you're holding up during the round!
You can play with anyone registered in the tournament, so if you haven't already, you can let me know who you would like to play with! Otherwise, cards will be randomly distributed. I will create a document for the card assignments and send that out before the tournament.
There will be some fantastic custom trophies for the event, made by Greg Beard! They look amazing, and there will be one for the big winner of each division.
I played yesterday, and things were a little soggy. Be prepared for some of the areas to be a little muddy or wet! The forecast looks fairly rainy for the next week, so best to come prepared. We will be playing rain or shine.
Lunch Details:
Lunch will be provided by Fabulous Fries in Almonte. You are entitled to one burger as part of your player's pack. We will be placing the order in advance and picking up the burgers and bringing them over. They are very close to the venue! We will also be including a gatorade as part of your entry fee.
Unfortunately, the vendor was not able to provide a vegetarian option. If you have a dietary restriction, please let me know and I will provide you a refund for the portion of your entry fee that was going towards the lunch.
In addition, if you would like to order extra burgers, please let us know and we will add those on to our order. It is $8/burger. Condiments will be provided separately. We will not be ordering extra, so please let us know in advance! I need to place the order one week before the event, so please let me know before this Saturday!
We will also have other food and snacks as well as extra drinks available for purchase on the day of.
Vendor details:
So far, we have 2 confirmed vendors. We are still finalizing details, so there could be more!
They will be set up after the tournament and will have fun disc golf items for sale! DisCraftyMom specializes in customizing items, and has prepared several fun disc golf products, including chalk bags, and car decals. You can see a portion of what she will have for sale here:
If you would like to guarantee an order in advance, please contact DisCraftyMom through her facebook page here:
Discs by Design will be at the event as well, selling custom minis! He also made the hamburger minis for this event, which everyone will get in their player's pack!
Side Event details:
We will be going through the side events sequentially, and will announce which event is next to occur. Each registrant to the tournament gets one attempt at each event.
Every event will have first, second, and third place prizes. We have a wide variety of discs from the Ettyville Superspin Disc Golf Club, custom dyed Bergs from Dave's Disc Delights, and custom minis from Discs by Design.
The events are as follows:
Our spin on the Ring of Fire! Everyone stands at 32.9 ft from the basket and listens to the countdown. Everyone throws their putts at the same time.
If you hit the putt, you advance to the next round. If you miss, then you're out.
The last putter standing wins!
Putt off! See if you can handle the putting gauntlet.
Everyone gets into a line and putts from the same distance. You get 2 chances at each station. If you sink one of two, you move on. If you miss both, you're out! The station moves back 5 feet every round.
The last putter standing wins!
We will choose a basket and tee location. Everyone will throw from the same spot, trying to get their disc closest to the basket. If your disc is closest, it will be marked. Whoever finishes closest to the Basket wins!
Compete for big distance across the soccer field! No rollers allowed.
Farthest distance wins!
There will be three separate categories for this event, and prizes for each category. Your category matches the division you signed up for: Mixed, Female, and Junior.
Raffle details:
You will receive 2 raffle tickets in your player's pack! Additional raffle tickets will be available for purchase at the event.
They will be available for:
$2 - 1 ticket
$5 - 3 tickets
$10 - 7 tickets
$20 - 16 tickets
We have a ton of awesome prizes for the Raffle. 2 practice baskets, a ton of customized items, a GRIP EQ bag, disc retrievers, cool discs, and more!
Phew! Thanks for sticking with me through that info dump! I will be in touch again next week with a much shorter email.
See you on July 15th!
Jarred @ Flipped Discs