Bergs 'N' Burgs

Singles tournament

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Hosted by Flipped Discs


  • Sat
    Jul 15

    8:00am - 8:55am

    Pick up Player's Packs / Warm-up


    Player's Meeting / Walk to Assigned Tees


    Tournament Start


    Lunch + Vendor Stations Open


    Side Events Start + Vendor Stations Open


    Raffle + Awards Presentation


JUN Junior (Under 18) C$50
VOL Volunteer / Vendor Only C$0
F Female Protected C$50
M Mixed C$50

About this tournament

Bergs 'N' Burgs will take place on July 15th, 2023

The divisions for the tournament are set up as a way to indicate that there are protected Female and Junior divisions. This event is open to all people, all skill levels!

All players will shoot from the same short tees, and most holes are under 200 feet.

This event includes a tournament, a burger lunch, side events, and a raffle!

The tournament will be Bergs only. You will be provided a Berg in your player's pack.

The player's pack will consist of:
-A burger for lunch
-4 entries to side events
-3 raffle tickets
-A custom mini
-A Berg!

A burger lunch will be provided.

Side events: Big distance, putting challenge, CTP/Ace Run, Ring of Ice(Berg).

There will be a very fun raffle with lots of fabulous prizes.

The tournament will run through the 18 hole course at Gemmill Park in Almonte from the red (short) tees.

Hole 1's tee will be adjusted.

There will be a Mixed Open Division, a Female Open Division, and a Junior (Under 18) division.

Note that the activities, vendor stalls, and raffle are open to everyone! You don't need to be registered for the tournament. Just show up at lunchtime and join in the fun!

Full details can be viewed on our website at:

Refund policy

Flipped Discs is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
As of May 1st, all refunds are subject to the PDGA refund policy:
Prior to this date, full refunds will be granted.